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Widzisz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla zapytania: jacking offTemat: American expressiona A joke about English expressions Lay Polly or Jack off A middle manager was in a quandary. He had to downsize one of his staff members. He had narrowed it down to one of two candidates, Polly or Jack. It would be a difficult decision to make, as they were both equally qualified and both did excellent work. He finally decided that in the morning, whichever one used the water cooler first would be the one to be let go. Polly came in early that morning, hugely hung over after partying all night and getting no sleep. She went to the cooler to get some water to take an aspirin. The manager approached her and said, "Polly, I've never done this before, but I have to lay you or Jack off." Polly replied, "Could you jack off? I have a terrible headache." Temat: Surgeons Barbara or Jack? One day Mr. Smith, the president of a large corporation, called his vice- president, Dave, into his office and said, "We're making some cutbacks, so either Jack or Barbara will have to be laid off." Dave looked at Mr. Smith and said, "Barbara is my best worker, but Jack has a wife and three kids. I don't know whom to fire." The next morning Dave waited for his employees to arrive. Barbara was the first to come in, so Dave said, "Barbara, I've got a problem. You see, I've got to lay you or Jack off and I don't know what to do?" Barbara replied, "You'd better jack off. I've got a headache." Temat: Dzisiaj przeczytane.... chatka_ napisała: > Moi uczniowie zapytani kiedys jaki powinien byc nauczyciel napisali "raw"! ;))) A propos angielskiego (trochę obrzydliwe - forumki o słabych nerwach - nie czytać!): One day Mr. Smith, the president of a large corporation, called his vice- president, Dave, into his office and said, "We're making some cutbacks, so either Jack or Barbara will have to be laid off." Dave looked at Mr. Smith and said, "Barbara is my best worker, but Jack has a wife and three kids. I don't know whom to fire. "The next morning Dave waited for his employees to arrive. Barbara was the first to come in, so Dave said, "Barbara, I've got a problem. You see, I've got to lay you or Jack off and I don't know what to do?" Barbara replied, "You'd better jack off. I've got a headache." Temat: Na wesoło The Boss's Quandry: Oldie but Goody The Boss was in quandary. He had to fire somebody. He had it narrowed down to one of two people, Debra or Jack. It was an impossible decision, they were both super workers. Rather than flip a coin, he decided he would fire the first one who used the water cooler the next morning. Debra came in the next morning with a horrible hangover after partying all night. She went to the cooler to take an aspirin. The Boss approached her and said: "Debra, I've never done this before, but I have to lay you or Jack off." "Could you jack off?" she says. "I feel like shit." Temat: ** SPOILER sezon3 <ang> ** ** SPOILER sezon3 <ang> ** Juliet, a woman in her mid-30s, will be added to the cast as a regular. Juliet is a natural leader and a smart and independant woman. One of her flashbacks (?) will involve her mother Amelia. During said falshback, the ladies will discuss burnt brownies and Juliet's love life. It seems that Juliet may be an Other. Jack is held alone in a room and Juliet looks at him, seperated from him with a glass window. Jack tries to break the chains that are holding him. Juliet tries to convince a pissed off Jack to trust her. Temat: pickle Maggie will probably delete this, but here's your clue what it means: Frank: I happen to know that you JACK OFF to a picture of Punky Meadows when you get home . . . Bozzio: Grrarh . . . Stupid . . . Grrarh . . . Frank: You know . . . ever since that guy told you that he CONTAINED MORE FLUID than Jeff Beck YOU'VE BEEN TRYIN' TO OUTDO HIM. . . Awright, look, I'm gonna say one thing to you . . . this may not register right away, but let me say this . . . LEAVE YOUR PICKLE ALONE FOR A COUPLE OF NIGHTS, you know what I mean . . . ? Temat: Najwieksza/najlepsza impreza masowa w Waszym zyciu GET OFF OF MY CLOUD (M. Jagger/K. Richards) I live in an apartment on the ninety-ninth floor of my block And I sit at home looking out the window Imagining the world has stopped Then in flies a guy who's all dressed up like a Union Jack And says, I've won five pounds if I have his kind of detergent pack I said, Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around 'cause two's a crowd On my cloud, baby The telephone is ringing I say, "Hi, it's me. Who is it there on the line?" A voice says, "Hi, hello, how are you Well, I guess I'm doin' fine" He says, "It's three a.m., there's too much noise Don't you people ever wanna go to bed? Just 'cause you feel so good, do you have To drive me out of my head?" I said, Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around 'cause two's a crowd On my cloud baby I was sick and tired, fed up with this And decided to take a drive downtown It was so very quiet and peaceful There was nobody, not a soul around I laid myself out, I was so tired and I started to dream In the morning the parking tickets were just like A flag stuck on my window screen I said, Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around 'cause two's a crowd On my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around, baby, two's a crowd Temat: Jagr dwukrotnie nominowany do nagród NHL Jak dla mnie, fachowcy z NHL nie ogladali chyba play-off i wybierali na podstawie sezonu regularnego, zapominajac o play-off. Po kolei: Hart Trophy: Jagr - OK (za sezon regularny, pozniej kontuzja), Thornton - OK, zarowno w sezonie jak i play-off. Co tu robi Kiprusoff, to nie wiem. W sezonie regularnym swietny, w play-off nie najlepiej. Dlaczego nie ma Staala (swietny w sezonie, wahania formy w play-off, ale seria przeciwko Oliers swietna), lub Brind'Amoura, ktory poprowadzil zespol do Pucharu Stanleya. Pearson Award: OK, chociaz widzialbym bardziej Staala za Owieczkina. Calder Trophy: OK. Cam Ward mial swietny play-off, slabszy byl w sezonie. Selke Trophy: OK Jack Adams: OK James Norris: Gdzie jest Pronger ??????? Vezina Trophy: No niech bedzie, chociaz dziwi mnie brak Rolosona, za jego postawe w play-off. Ryan Millar mial swietna druga czesc sezonu i play-off. Reasumujac, dziwi mnie brak jakiejkolwiek nominacji dla Staala i graczy z Edmonton. Play-off chyba nie byl brany pod uwage ..... Temat: Spoiler-Sezon2-Jack & Julia????!!!!! Spoiler-Sezon2-Jack & Julia????!!!!! Exclusive: Men in Trees Snags Kelli Williams Another obstacle is taking root for Marin and Jack on Men in Trees. Ex-Practice star Kelli Williams is joining the cast as a love interest for James Tupper's conversationally-challenged environmentalist. But in a bit of a twist, the two won't connect in Elmo. Far from it, in fact. "Jack's going off to do a job far, far away and he's going to meet Julia," Trees creator Jenny Bicks reveals to me exclusively. "She's happily married, but they are going to bond emotionally over something that very significant that happens on the high seas." Williams is on board for at least five or six episodes, beginning with this season's second... Można się było chyba tego spodziewać...jakoś muszą trzymać nas w napięciu... Temat: Pole do popisu dla FACHOWCÓW rsoszka napisał: > A skoro już o tym - jaka jest z punktu widzenia użytkownika różnica pomiędzy > mikrofonami dynamicznymi a pojemnościowymi? > /sasza Mikrofony dynamiczne nie potrzebuja zasilania tzw fantoma czyli 48V. Jesli chodzi o wykorzystanie to dynamiki urzywa sie najczesciej jako tak zwane tluczki (czyli to co trzyma wokalista w rece podczas spiewania na scenie). Maja one ta zalete ze sa raczej mniej czule od pojemnosciowych, maja martwe pole z tylu i w czasie koncertow nie sprzegaja z odsluchami . Mowic do nich trzeba z bliska max 20cm. Pojemnosciowe wymagaja zasilania fantomem 48V, niektore maja zasilanie z bateri i nie wymagaja fantoma. Najczesciej uzywa sie ich do mikrofonow kierunkowych, do naglasniania orkiestry (ale nie perkusji - tam dynamik), jako pchly przy klapie marynarki (wtedy sa raczej kardioidalne nie kierunkowe) oraz do nagran studyjnych wokalu i komentazy w tle filmow tzw. off. Wracajac do Jackow to ja bym proponowal jak ktos pisal mikrofon dynamiczny lub pojemnosciowy z wlasnym zasilaniem zakonczony XLR i do tego kupil kabel XLR - Jack lub polutowal tak jak pisalem wczesniej. Mikrofony polecane to te co pisalem wczesniej lub AKG, SENHEISER. A jesli Wejscie mikrofonowe w sprzecie masz na Jack mono to napisz a napisze jak rozsymetryzowac kabel XLR - Jack. JAki Temat: moglibyscie pomoc mi to przetlumaczyc? Nie wiem, czy cię to pocieszy, ale podobne historyjki towarzyszą wielu nursery rhymes. Na przykład "Jack and Jill" Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after. ma ponoć opowiadać o królu Francji Ludwiku XVI i jego żonie Marii Antoninie, którzy próbowali przy pomocy wiadra wody (pail of water) ugasić płomień rewolucji francuskiej, ale zostali ścięci (najpierw Ludwik "broke his crown", a potem Maria "came tumbling after"). Z kolei "Mary Mary" Mary Mary quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells And pretty maids all in a row. ma ponoć opowiadać o Marii Tudor (córce Henryka VIII), katoliczce, która zapełniała angielskie cmentarzyska (tu: garden) protestantami, przedtem stosując na nich instrumenty tortur (silver bells and cockle shells - rzekomo potoczne określenia tychże instrumentów w XVI wieku). A do niektórych nie trzeba dorabiać żadnych teorii, same w sobie są wystarczająco krwawe: Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run, They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As three blind mice? To może lepiej zostań przy "Ring a ring". ;-) Temat: ile czasu trwal lot z Sydney? freshka ma absloutną rację: Pilot How long has it been? Jack 16 hours. Pilot 16 hours? Has anybody come? Jack Not yet. Pilot 6 hours in. Our radio went out, no one could see us. We turned back to land in Fiji, by the time we hit turbulence we were 1000 miles off course. They're looking for us in the wrong place. Temat: Jack Black kocha konsole (NSFW) Jack Black kocha konsole (NSFW) JB wymiatał, wymiata i będzie wymiatał xD uwielbiam tego gościa (nie, nie kocham). Cytując klasyka "It doesn't matter if it is good, It only matters if it rocks. The main thing that we do is to rock your socks off." Liczy się granie dające maksymalną frajdę niezależnie od platformy. xD Temat: Nowinki a czy to juz bylo? :D Thursday, Aug. 30 @ 10/9c! "History Lessons" Marin, who is suffering from writer's block and getting over Jack, volunteers to help at Elmo's fundraising rummage sale. Her publisher, Stuart (Jason O'Mara), makes an unexpected visit to help critique her book's second chapter. Meanwhile, Jack tries to pick up where he left off with former girlfriend Lynn (Justine Bateman), Sara comes back to town and is surprised to see Ben and Theresa back together, and Patrick's storybook proposal to Annie goes awry. Temat: Kreatywna metoda kradziezy auta Kreatywna metoda kradziezy auta moze juz znana w Polsce? "Na gazete" ... hehe :) Zyskuje popularnosc na Florydzie. BEWARE OF PAPER IN THE BACK WINDOW OF YOUR VEHICLE NEW WAY TO DO CAR JACKING (NOT A JOKE) Heads up everyone! Please, keep this circulating... You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine and shift into Reverse. When you look into the rearview mirror to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift into Park, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back of your car, that is when the car jackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off. They practically mow you down as they speed off in your car. And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car. So now the car jacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised! BEWARE OF THIS NEW SCHEME THAT IS NOW BEING USED... If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away. Remove the paper later. And be thankful that you read this e-mail. I hope you will forward this to friends and family, especially to women. A purse contains all kinds of personal information and identification documents, and you certainly do NOT want this to fall into the wrong hands. Temat: Na ile sposobów umiesz złamać serce? "The problem is all inside your head", she said to me The answer is easy if you take it logically I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free There must be fifty ways to leave your lover She said it's really not my habit to intrude Furthermore, I hope my meaning won't be lost or misconstrued But I'll repeat myself, at the risk of being crude There must be fifty ways to leave your lover Fifty ways to leave your lover You just slip out the back, Jack Make a new plan, Stan You don't need to be coy, Roy Just get yourself free Hop on the bus, Gus You don't need to discuss much Just drop off the key, Lee And get yourself free Temat: Cockney Rebel przed The Rolling Stones dni temu na koncercie w Bukareszcie Stonesi zagrali dziewiętnaście utworów, koncert trwał prawie 2,5 godziny tracklista z tego koncertu: Start Me Up Let's Spend The Night Together Rough Justice Rocks Off You Can't Always Get What You Want Midnight Rambler I'll Go Crazy Tumbling Dice Band Introductions You Got The Silver I Wanna Hold You Miss You It's Only Rock 'n' Roll Satisfaction Honky Tonk Women Sympathy For The Devil Paint It Black Jumping Jack Flash Brown Sugar Temat: Sylwestrowe.....utwory :) Ze staroci na imprezę polecam: Abba - Dancing Queen, Happy New Year, Mamma mia, Gimme gimme gimme, Chiquitita Boney M - Rasputin, Sunny, Hoorray hoorray Baccara - Yes sir I can Boogie CC Catch - Soul Survivor Donna Summer - Hot Stuff Elvis Presley - Hound dog, Jailhouse rock Gipsy King - Volare, Djobi djoba, Maria Dolores Gary Allan - Runaway Shakin Stevens - Give me your heart tonight Gloria Estefan - Conga Gloria Gaynor - I will survive, Can't take my eyes off Blackhearts - I love rock and roll Opus - Life if life Ray Charles - Hit the road jack Rosemary Clooney - mambo italiano Roy Orbison - Pretty woman Sabrina - Boys Boys Boys Sandra - Around my heart Survivor - Eye of the tiger Rubettes - Sugar baby love Tina Charles - I love to love Trini Lopez - If I had a hammer Little Eva - Locomotion Whigfield - Saturday night Temat: Any French Jokes?... An open letter to M. Jacques Chirac: Mon cher Jack Je suis a bit fromaged off avec votre decision to blow up La Pacifique avec le Frog bombes nuclears. Je reckon vous must have un spot in La Belle France itself pour les explosions. Le Massive Central? Le Quay d'Orsay? Le Champs Elysees? Votre own back yard, peut etre? Frappez le crows avec stones, Sport! La guerre cold est fini! Votres forces militaire need la bombe atomique about as beacoup as poisson need les bicyclettes. Un autre point, cobber. Votre histoire militaire isn't tres flash, consisting, n'est-ce pas, of battailles the likes of Crecy, Agincourt, Poitiers, Trafalgar, Borodino, Waterloo, Sedan et Dien Bien Phu. Un bombe won't change le tradition. Je/mon pere/mon grand pere/le cousin third avec ma grandmere/ la plume de ma tante fought avec votre soldats against Le Boche in WWI (le Big One). Have vous forgotten? Reconsider, mon ami, otherwise in le hotels et estaminets de l'Australie le curse anciens d'Angleterre - "Damnation to the French" - will be heard un autre temps. Votre chums don't want that. Millo. Temat: Bush supporters:"Four more wars! Four more wars!" Dzielny żołnierz Rumsfelda news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/11/09/wirq109.xml&sSheet=/news/2004/11/09/ixnewstop.html "I got myself a real juicy target," shouted Sgt James Anyett ... "Dude, give me the sniper rifle. I can take them out - I'm from Alabama." ... "Yeah," he yelled. "Battle Damage Assessment - nothing. Building's gone. I got my kills, I'm coming down. I just love my job." ... Lt Jack Farley, a US Marines officer, sauntered over to compare notes with the Phantoms. "You guys get to do all the fun stuff," he said. "It's like a video game. We've taken small arms fire here all day. It just sounds like popcorn going off." Another marine stepped forward and began to fire an M4 rifle at the city. "He's a reservist for the San Diego police. He wants a piece of the action, too". Temat: Co ja plote czyli czym rozbawic obcokrajowca:)))) Poprzynudzam Wam jeszcze troche Bloopers from Church Bulletins For those of you who jave children and didn"t know it, we have a nursery downstairs. This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. Tuesday at 4:00 pm there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early. Thursday at 5:00 pm there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All ladies wishing to be " Little Mothers" will meet with the pastor in his study. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar. The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They can be seen in the church basement Saturday. Today - Christain Youth Fellowship House Sexuality Course, 1 pm - 8 pm. Please park in teh rear parking lot for this activity. The sermon this morning " Jesus Walks on the Water". The sermon tonight " Searching for Jesus". Anna remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. she is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack"s sermons. The ladies Bible Study will be held on Wednesday morning at 10 am. All ladies are invited to lunch in the church hall after the B.S. is done. Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community. Irvinf Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days. Don"t let worry kill you - let the church help. Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several members and the deterioration of some oldre ones. Milej zabawy Agnieszka Temat: Calla aislinn napisała: > Aż dziwne, że nic nmie > słychać o nich szerzej ... Myślę że to sie moze zmienić gdyż jest trochę o zespole w najnowszym OFF'ie. > Swoją droga,taki np. "Strangler" z > Televise wyszedł na singlu i nawet teledysk do niego jest i co ? To jest wręcz > przebojowe, nie uważasz? Zajefajny kawałek. Nawet można sobie w tej chwili oglądnąć teledysk: www.arenarockrecordingco.com/stream/calla_videos.html > > Oj Mieciu Mieciu...właśnie, Jack ma rację, w swoim czasie wszystkim wmuszałam > Callę i prawie się obraziłam na Jacka że się nią nie zachwycił Mimo wszystko uważam że chcieliście ukryć przede mną kto wie czy nie jeden z ważniejszych dla mnie zespołów. Wszystko przez to pisanie maczkiem. Prosze na przyszłość o wybitnych zespołach pisac drukowanymi literami. Temat: a wygląd? Najprzystojniejszy Waszym zdaniem jest.. Aj, aj, a Robert de Niro?! Zawsze piękny i męski - nawet gdy gruby i odrażający. I zgadzam się: Jack Nicholson bardzo tak! Z wiekiem chyba nawet coraz bardziej (chociaż nie gustuję w starszych panach). Nie mogę za to ścierpieć Clinta Eastooda i Harrisona Forda w żadnym wieku. Ble! A co do Leonarda di C. - owszem, w "Gilbercie..." był najlepszy chyba, ale właśnie... był młody i grał młodego chłopca, a teraz... wygląda dalej jak młodzieniaszek, a usiłuje grać poważne role. Nawet z zarostem wygląda jakby mu ktoś go dokleił do tej pupci niemowlaczka. Atrakcyjny on był może jeszcze w "Romeo i Julii", bo już w "Titaniku" wyglądał owszem, fajnie, ale duuużo młodziej od swej partnerki (od której podobno miał być 2 lata starszy). I żeby nie było całkiem off topikowo - Pyziak mi się zawsze podobał i też nie rozumiem tej dziwacznej i niesmacznej przemiany. No i omawianego wiele razy już schamienia i sprzestępczenia Juliusza.... tfu... Janusza. Temat: Mam pare pytań, proszę o pomoc ;( Mam pare pytań, proszę o pomoc ;( Mam kilka wątpliwości, bardzo chciałabym by ktoś mi pomógł je rozwiązać. 1. Na sprzedaż - for sale? 2. Płacę czynasz w wysokosci - pay a rent of-for 200 euros? 3. I teraz troszkę do wyboru: a) I am good at/in English b) Mark is bored of/with grammar. c) Andrew is excited about/with going on holiday. d) Janet is fed-up of/with cooking. e) Jim is pleased of/with the result of his work. f) Tom is upset about/on losing his job. g) Roll up/off your sleeves and get down to work. h) I was embarrassed of-by his rude behaviour i)They are sick and tired of/at the rainy water. j)Fiona was devastated by/of the news. k) Don't be cross with/on Jack. l) Helen was disgusted by/on the way he treated us. m) They were apprehensive about/with our visit. n) Little Pam is petrified with/of spiders. o)Your shirt is undone. Button it on/up. 4. Co oznaczaja te idiomy? a) I was over the moon. (1-I was very happy and excited. 2-I felt lonley. 3-I was extremely angry). b) I blew my top. (1-I panicked. 2-I lost my temper. 3-I was amused) Z góry dziękuję i przepraszam za tyle zadanek. Pozdrawiam Temat: Przyznajmy się do własnej ignorancji Gość portalu: Jack napisał(a): > W zasadzie mógłbym podpisać się w większości pod tym co pisał As - jeżeli > czegoś nie znam to dlatego że mnie nie rusz - znam kilka kawałków i nie mam > ochoty poznawac reszty twórczości - tak jest np z wieloma kapelami grającymi > metal a uznawanymi za klasyczne. Jezeli czuje lub słyszę min z forumże coś jest > > warte uwagi to po prostu znajduję utwory typu best off i albo to mnie chwyta > albo nie ... > net daje duże możliwości poznawania muzyki więc nie wyrzucam sobie za bardzo > mojej ignorancji - gorzej jest gdy wiem ze od roku gotowa jest nowa płyta > Opposition ale nie mogę jej posłuchac bo zespół nie może znaleźć wydawcy. To się zrzućmy! A tak poważnie - nie dziwię się. Materiał może bowiem sprawiać wrażenie zrobionego na siłę. Czasy "Intimacy" niestety nie wrócą. BTW - Mieciu, z tego co wymieniłeś to ja znam tylko Nightwing. Nie masz czego żałować. Temat: Co nas czeka w 2010 roku? braineater napisał: > > Off Season - Jack Ketchum w marcu > Raczej pod koniec , jakoś dokładnej daty nie znalazłam, ale to w dalszym ciągu jest marzec. Czekam cierpliwie, bo po Dziewczynie z sąsiedztwa, stałam się absolutną fanką Ketchuma, jest idealny . Temat: LeBron James Kilka komentarzy na temat tego meczu, w którym LeBron James rzucił 31 ptk, miał 13 zbiórek i 6 asyst. ++++++ LeBron's best individual quality: team play By Dr Jack Ramsey http://espn.go.com/nba/columns/ramsay_drjack/1476123.html LeBron James has the skills to step into the NBA next year. He probably could have done it this year. He has the size, strength, agility, vision, sense of the game, poise and skill level to become a great player. James demonstrated all of those qualities in the St. Vincent-St. Mary victory over Oak Hill Academy on Thursday night in a nationally televised game on ESPN2. James showed a patience that is unusual for a 17-year-old. Both he and his team got off to a slow start, falling behind 10-3. Without seeming to force the action, James quickly got his team going with a variety of field goals and spectacular assists. After a closely played first half, James and his teammates gradually broke the game open to end up 20-point winners Temat: watek filmowy once again:) off topic (ale lekko, bo wciaz filmowo:) ) w gali z nadchodzacego tygodnia ma sie pojawic pewna ciekawa produkcja, ktora osobiscie polecam - a mianowicie "odwazny" (marlon brando + boski johnny). film ciekawy, mroczny, tematyka zahacza lekko o "8mm" z cage'm i phoenixem, ale w troche innym aspekcie. ps. ktos sie orientuje, czy planowana kolejna czesc batmana z christianem b. obejmuje chronologicznie dalszy ciag (znaczy sie joker itd?) czy ma dotyczyc czegos zupelnie innego? na logike powinni odswiezyc wersje z keatonem i nicholsonem(tylko kurcze, kto bedzie tak wspanialym jokerem, jak jack n.???)... Temat: Ted, miło było Cię zobaczyć! Ted, miło było Cię zobaczyć! Zresztą Was, Jack i Zero, też. I miło było odwiedzić stare śmieci pt Iluzjon. Powodzenia Ted. I pamiętaj co masz zrobić jak wygrasz ! PS off topic : Wcale nie jesteśmy tacy drodzy - a na pweno najlepsi i z największym zakresem usług! ;-) Temat: ostatni Cloroform darmo po warunkiem... ostatni Cloroform darmo po warunkiem... ...ze sie podzielicie z innymi ;D oto interesujacy njusleter: CLOROFORM NEARLY KILLED AT CONCERT! Thursday, March2 - the day before Cloroform were to play two shows in Stockholm, the band was nearly killed just outside of the RiddarHolmen. Cloroform were busy changing the oil in their van when a cadillac full of Swedes, recklessly charged out, waving their feather swords and slamming into the band. This caused the van to fall off air jack and roll into oncoming traffic. Cloroform barely escaped with their lives. Cloroform understood that immediate actions was necessary if they where supposed to present their music to the whole world, especially now that a widespreading bird flu epidemic will sweep the world at any moment. So they decided to put out their new album on the internet, hoping that it will reach more people, in a shorter amount of time. DOWNLOAD FOR FREE AT: HTTP://CWO.CLOROFORM.COM Temat: 3x13 The Man From Tallahassee - występy gościnne Jest już także opis odcinka na stronie ABC: "Ben offers to give Locke some of the island's secrets if he calls off his destructive plan. Kate discovers that Jack has made a deal with the Others when she is finally reunited with him.' ON ABC'S "LOST", WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 (10:00- 11:00 p.m., ET) Temat: Rock Progresywny słów kilka.. "Sailing on the seven seas - OMD Seven Seas Of Rye (Queen) Seize the day - quote Day Tripper - Beatles Diem's Ready - a reminder to tour personnel (from DTBiker) Jack the Ripper - Morrissey Ripper Owens - Vocalist of Iced Earth (ex-Judas Priest) Owen Wilson - actor (?) Wilson Phillips - band Supper's Ready - Genesis Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Beatles Diamond Dave - David Lee Roth Dave's Not Here - Cheech & Chong Here I Come to Save the Day - Mighty Mouse Day for Night - Spock's Beard Show Me The Way - Styx (from oceansoul23) Nightmare Cinema � Dream Theater�s alter ego Cinema Show - Genesis Get back - Beatles Flying off the Handle - ?? Handle With Care - Travelling Wilburys Careful With That Axe Eugene - Pink Floyd Gene the Dance Machine -The Gong Show Machine Messiah - Yes Light my Fire - The Doors Gabba Gabba Hey Hey - The Ramones Hey Hey My - Neil Young My Generation - The Who Home Again � "Breathe" reprise on Dark Side Of The Moon" Again - Archive Temat: 3x13 The Man From Tallahassee - występy gościnne mmorawski napisał: > Jest już także opis odcinka na stronie ABC: > "Ben offers to give Locke some of the island's secrets if he calls off his > destructive plan. Kate discovers that Jack has made a deal with the Others when > > she is finally reunited with him.' ON ABC'S "LOST", WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 (10:00- > 11:00 p.m., ET) no, no :D. Temat: Płyty - kamienie milowe Ja bym sobie napisał tak: Miles Davies - Tribute to Jack Johnson - wystarczy spojrzeć, w którym roku powstała ta płyta i potem ją włączyć King Crimson - In The Court of the Crimson King - j.w. (Wszędzie na świecie śpiewali "chcę Cię potrzymać za rękę" a tu... ) Michael Jackson - Off the Wall - bo chyba dopiero przy tej płycie pojęto w szerszych gronach, czym jest producent dla płyty Medeski, Martin & Wood - The Dropper - tak jazzu nikt przed nimi nie grał - przynajmniej w moim świecie na razie tyle Temat: Kilka spoilerów do "Not in Portland" Kilka spoilerów do "Not in Portland" - Ben wakes up during the surgery. - Karl - Sawyer's cage buddy from Tale of Two Cities and Alex's boyfriend - is being held on the hydra island. Alex saves Kate and Sawyer and makes a deal, if they help her rescue Karl she will get them off the island. They go to another station, a smaller one, where Karl is being held. Sawyer over powers the guard and they break in. Inside Karl is strapped to a chair with his eyes forced open. He is being forced to watch a strange movie. The scene has definite brain-washing implications. The movie is of the level of the hatch map and even more. Lots of images to digest, freeze-frame, and theorize on. Get your pause buttons ready. - Juliet kills Pickett to help Kate and Sawyer escape. - Even though you think you know Juliet's motives, you don't. She is a master manipulator with a very personal agenda. That agenda will be known in the final act. - One person I spoke with speculated that Juliet thinks Jack killed Ethan. - Juliet's flash-back is very connected to how she came to be on the island in the first-place. You should also pay careful attention to 'when' the flash back seems to be taking place. Temat: jack off???? jack off???? what does it mean??? Temat: ludzie techniczni Jack off hour. "Zelazna logika"? Ja pierodle - kolo - co to ma byc? Temat: Oni i tak wierzą w Jacko - zdjęcia To taki sam mężczyzna jak Jack-off-son Temat: British Airways poprawił swój zysk jack _ off _ rooks hahaha uwielbiam jak adwersarze czerwienieja, gryza palce, rwa wlosy i pisza dlugie bezsensowne posty - w bezsilnej zlosci Temat: Mam zdjecia z OFF-u Mam zdjecia z OFF-u Niektorym dane bylo juz widziec je. Tak, tak, Jack i Mieciu, ozarowscy robotnicy witaja szczecinskich kolejarzy, wszyscy cudnie wyszli. Janie0, zatytulujesz je odpowiednio mam nadzieje i rozeslesz zainteresowanym. Dostarcze Ci przy nastepnej okazji. Temat: Co nas czeka w 2010 roku? negev56 napisała: > Off Season - Jack Ketchum w marcu Raczej pod koniec Temat: Zdjęcie dnia: Najlepszy kibic świata Lakers to maja fanów, pewnie obok JB gdzies siedział Jack Nicholson :)) Sezon albo 2 temu Jessica Alba dopingowała Golden State Warriors kiedy ci grali w play off, to był kibic... :D Temat: Kto idzie na Mogwai ? off topic do Jacka Jack, masz może brata Czarka ? Temat: Co nas czeka w 2010 roku? Śmiejący się policjant - Sjöwall/Wahlöö w lutym Off Season - Jack Ketchum w marcu The Lost - Jack Ketchum w czerwcu Infekcja - Scott Sigler cały czas czekamy Temat: Ciurszanty Na poczatek cos co znakomcie wyje sie po drodze do pracy i przy prasowaniu. nie polecane pryz skrecaniu mebli i krojeniu warzyw. GO TO SEA NO MORE Collected by Halliday When first I landed in Liverpool, I went upon a spree Me money alas I spent it fast, got drunk as drunk could be And when that me money was all gone, 'twas then I wanted more But a man must be blind to make up his mind to go to sea once more Once more, boys, once more, go to sea once more But a man must be blind to make up his mind to go to sea once more I spent the night with Angeline too drunk to roll in bed Me watch was new and me money too, in the morning with them she fled And as I walked the streets about, the whores they all did roar There goes Jack Spratt, the poor sailorlad, he must go to sea once more Once more, boys, once more, go to sea once more There goes Jack Spratt, the poor sailorlad, he must go to sea once more And as I walked the streets about, I met with the Rapper Brown I asked him for to take me on and he looked at me with a frown He said last time you was paid off with me you could no score But I'll give you a chance and I'll take your advance and I'll send you to see once more Once more, boys, once more, send you to sea once more I'll give you a chance and I'll take your advance and I'll send you to see once more He shipped me on board of a whaling ship bound for the arctic seas Where the cold winds blow through the frost and snow and Jamaica rum would freeze But worse to bear, I'd no hard weather gear for I'd spent all money on shore 'twas then that I wished that I was dead and could go to sea no more No more, boys, no more, go to sea no more 'twas then that I wished that I was dead and could go to sea no more So come all you bold seafaring men, who listen to me song When you come off them long trips, I'll have you not go wrong Take my advice, drink no strong drink, don't go sleeping with them whores Get married instead and spend all night in bed and go to sea no more No more, boys, no more, go to sea no more Get married instead and spend all night in bed and go to sea no more Temat: przemowienie oskarowe adriena Znalazlam ten cudony artykul na BBC: Written by Stella Papamichael updated 25th March 2003 Group Calling the Shots Web Links BBC News Oscars Special That Adrien Brody, what a guy... There was never a more eloquent expression of thanks than the moment the willowy and winsome star of "The Pianist" opened his mouth to accept this year's Academy Award for Best Actor. And that's before he'd even said a word. In the stifling air of propriety that threatened to make this year's Oscar ceremony one of the dullest on record, Brody brought down the house, skipping on stage and sweeping Halle Berry off her feet with a lengthy, full-hearted snog. May I say: phwoarrr! At any other time of the year, Brody would've been hit with an injunction so fast it'd make his nostrils flap, but instead his masterful smooching gave us a show of class that even Jack Nicholson couldn't have matched. And don't tell me Ms Berry didn't love it! When asked backstage whether she kissed back, Brody's eyes rolled back in his head and he growled, "Oh yeah." It was a sheer delight to see the young actor (at 29, officially the youngest ever recipient of the best actor award) fight off competition from old-school Oscar darlings Jack Nicholson, Michael Caine, Nicolas Cage, and Daniel Day- Lewis. But more than that, it was just a pleasure to see his pleasure. For me, there wasn't a more genuine, unmitigated show of joy and surprise in the whole three-and-a-half hour gongathon. Forget the tears, the quivering lower lips, the hyperventilating, and the thousand thank yous - I've seen it all before and frankly, it's boring. Brody was among the few who recognised the Oscars are as much about entertainment as the industry it celebrates, and that nothing is more appropriate than to freely express yourself when freedom itself is under threat. As far as I'm concerned, the Academy's move to throw a wet blanket over the affair for the sake of our troops in Iraq was a contradiction. After all, we're told our troops are fighting in the name of freedom. It took Adrien Brody (in his own wicked way) to remind us what liberty is really all about - and he certainly took his! The man was in rapture and not afraid to show it; for me, this only bolstered his parting message of peace. And so, in a gesture of solidarity, I am not afraid to declare this: I am deeply in love with Adrien Brody. Were you equally impressed by Adrien Brody? Have your say on this year's Oscars on the messageboard. Temat: What pisses you off the most in Poland > I did an interesting analysis once based on what the Poles say about themselves > > in the two phrases "Polak madry po szkodzie" and "polak glodny, to zly". > > I drew up a table with two columns and two rows, and then the column headers > were "friendly", "unfriendly" and the two row headers were "clever, stupid". I > said that this gave us a management tool for Poles inspired by what they say > about themselves. > > It works like this: if you need a clever, friendly Pole for a certain job, then > > punch him in the face, then give him a load of food. If you need a clever pole > to do a job but without being friendly, then after punching him in the face you > > keep him on low rations. If you need a dumb, but affable employee, then don't > punch him, just give him a meal, whereas if you need someone who is both stupid > > and unfriendly, then neither punch him nor feed him, in fact you can just > ignore him. Heeh heh. Do one for "An Englishman is never happy but when he becomes miserable" and "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" for an English employee. The column headers would be "happy", "unhappy" and the row headers "hardworking" and "interesting". If you want a happy and hardworking person you must make sure you give him plenty to complain about and he has to be dull as ditchwater. If you want a happy and interesting person you still make their life a misery but can't expect much work done. Only if you don't care about their emotional wellbeing can you afford to be nice to them and treat them well; the ones who respond and are fun to be with will do bugger all, the ones who work their socks off will go mad ("Jack worked all the time and got mad"). So there. Temat: Angielsko-polski słowniczek muzyczny Trochę z innej beczki, ale też o tłumaczeniach Parę dni temu nabyłem z przyzwyczajenia (bo niby z jakiego innego powodu?) lipcowy numer Jedynego Rockowego Pisma w Polsce. I cóż moje biedne oczy ujrzały? Kolega Kirmuć Michał machnął całokolumnowe wypracowanie na temat "The Final Cut" Pink Floyd, z okazji wydanego niedawno remastera z bonusem. Ponieważ teksty stanowią istotny aspekt owego dzieła, toteż nasz autor postanowił poświęcić im parę zdań, min. dokonując tłumaczenia połowy (bo jest króciutki) tekstu utworu "Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert", cytuję: "Meggie pewnego dnia podczas obiadu chwyciła w obie ręce krążownik, pewnie po to, by oddać go z powrotem". I tu mi ręce opadły z szelestem. Dla niezorientowanych pozwalam sobie przytoczyć cały (bo krótki) tekst tego utworu: brezhnev took afghanistan begin took beirut galtieri took the union jack and maggie over lunch one day took a cruiser with all hands apparently to make him give it back Pomijam fakt, że Kirmuć źle zapisał zdrobnienie imienia Margaret Thatcher, ale fragment, do którego się on odnosi powinien brzmieć (moje skromne tłumaczenie na kolanie, wybaczcie) "Galtieri wziął/zabrał flagę brytyjską (union jack), a Maggie podczas obiadu/lunchu wysłała krążownik z pełną załogą (sic!), pewnie po to, by zmusić go, by ją (flagę) oddał". Tłumaczenie tekstów nie jest niestety łatwym zajęciem, więc każdy kto na to się porywa powinien jednak mieć pewne o tym pojęcie, a przede wszystkim rozumieć co tłumaczy. Takich dziwnych tłumaczeń tekstów krąży w Polsce sporo. Część z nich popełnił swego czasu Tomek Beksiński, odciął się zresztą później od nich. Całkiem słusznie, moim zdaniem. Temat: Wieliczka - nasza sol, zycie i milosc Misterpee co się tam u Was, na zachodniej półkuli dzieje. U nas w tym względzie panuje spokój. "Why the hubbub over a B-52 taking off from a B-52 base in Minot, North Dakota and subsequently landing at a B-52 base in Barksdale, Louisiana? That's like getting excited if you see a postal worker in uniform walking out of a post office. And how does someone watching a B-52 land identify the cruise missiles as nukes? It just does not make sense. So I called a old friend and retired B-52 pilot and asked him. What he told me offers one compelling case of circumstantial evidence. My buddy, let's call him Jack D. Ripper, reminded me that the only times you put weapons on a plane is when they are on alert or if you are tasked to move the weapons to a specific site. Then he told me something I had not heard before. Barksdale Air Force Base is being used as a jumping off point for Middle East operations. Gee, why would we want cruise missile nukes at Barksdale Air Force Base. Can't imagine we would need to use them in Iraq. Why would we want to preposition nuclear weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations? His final point was to observe that someone on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes. A B-52 landing at Barksdale is a non-event. A B-52 landing with nukes. That is something else. Now maybe there is an innocent explanation for this? I can't think of one. What is certain is that the pilots of this plane did not just make a last minute decision to strap on some nukes and take them for a joy ride. We need some tough questions and clear answers. What the hell is going on? Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran? I don't know, but it is a question worth asking." Temat: Wpadki komentatorów i sportowców - po angielsku Wpadki komentatorów i sportowców - po angielsku "The black players at this club lend the side a lot of skill and flair, but you also need white players in there to balance things up and give the team some brains and some common sense" - Crystal Palace Chairman, Ron Noades, speaking in 1991. "Andrew Mehrtens loves it when Darryl Gibson comes inside of him" - NZ Rugby Commentator "This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria ... I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing" - Weightlifting Commentator, Pat Glenn "This is really a lovely horse, I once rode her mother" - Horse Racing Commentator, Ted Walsh "He's pulling him off ! The Spanish manager is pulling his captain off !!" - Soccer Commentator, George Hamilton, on Spanish manager Luis Suarez's substitution of Butragueno during their World Cup qualifier with Ireland in Seville, 1992. "The black players at this club lend the side a lot of skill and flair, but you also need white players in there to balance things up and give the team some brains and some common sense" - prezes Crystal Palace Ron Noades "I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body" - Winston Bennett "The lead car is absolutely unique, except for the one behind it which is identical" - Murray Walker "I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father" - Greg Norman "Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious" - Alan Minter "The racecourse is as level as a billiard ball" - John Francombe "If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again" - Terry Venebles "I would not say he (David Ginola) is the best left winger in the Premiership, but there are none better" - Ron Atkinson "He dribbles a lot and the opposition don't like it - you can see it all over their faces" - Ron Atkinson "Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw" - Ron Atkinson "Morcelli has four fastest 1500 metre times ever. And all those times are at 1500 metres" - David Coleman "Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer" - David Acfield "What will you do when you lleave football, Jack? Will you stay in football?" - Stuart Hall, Radio Five Live "There goes Juantoena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class" - David Coleman na olimpiadzie w Montreal "One of the reasons Arnie (Arnold Palmer) is playing so well is that, before each tee-shot, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them ...Oh my God, what have I just said ?!??" - komentator amerykański Temat: Kto rzadzi Ameryka? - kryminalisci Kto rzadzi Ameryka? - kryminalisci Tyco Exec: Abramoff Claimed Ties to Administration By R. Jeffrey Smith Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, September 23, 2005; A06 Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff bragged two years ago that he was in contact with White House political aide Karl Rove on behalf of a large, Bermuda-based corporation that wanted to avoid incurring some taxes and continue receiving federal contracts, according to a written statement by President Bush's nominee to be deputy attorney general. Timothy E. Flanigan, general counsel for conglomerate Tyco International Ltd., said in a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week that Abramoff's lobbying firm initially boasted that Abramoff could help Tyco fend off a special liability tax because he "had good relationships with members of Congress," including House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.). Abramoff later said "he had contact with Mr. Karl Rove" about the issue, according to the statement by Flanigan, who oversaw Tyco's dealings with Abramoff and his firm and received reports from Abramoff about progress in the lobbying campaign. Flanigan's statement is the latest indication that Abramoff promoted himself as having ready access to senior officials in the Bush administration. A White House spokeswoman, Erin Healy, said Rove "has no recollection" of being contacted by Abramoff about Tyco's concerns. Abramoff was indicted last month on unrelated wire fraud and conspiracy charges and has lost his high-stakes lobbying clients. He was hired in 2003 by Tyco when the company was in turmoil. Abramoff's firm, Greenberg Traurig, promoted him as Tyco's savior on the tax issue, according to Flanigan's statement and others familiar with the process. Tyco Temat: Czy ktoś przepowiadał koniec Knicks i Heat? Przeciw upadkowi NYK to ja szczerze mówiąc nic nie mam ;-), ale cieszy mnie odbicie się od dna Miami: Pat to mój ulubiony coach, kibicuję Zo w jego walce z chorobą i zawsze lubiłem Eddie Jonesa (żal, że go już nie ma w Lakers). Jednak co wielki trener to wielki trener. A byli oczywiście tacy, którzy mówili że już się skończył (ci sami, co podobnie o Małyszu po ostatnim TCS), nie dostrzegając, że gdyby nie choroba Zo, to przed rokiem to Miami na 80% byłoby w Finałach (w porównaniu ze składem Phili; CAŁY frontcourt lepszy, na PG remis i tylko na SG byli słabsi). Teraz Brylantynowy Pat dysponuje nieporównanie słabszym składem niz przed rokiem - właściciel obciął mu payroll o przeszło 20 mln, a Zo nawet po ostatnim przebudzeniu nie dorównuje samemu sobie sprzed 2 lat - i oczywiście nie można się spodziewać podjęcia rywalizacji na poziomie zeszłego roku. Ale i tak Rilesowi z tego grona steranych i nękanych kłopotami ze zdrowiem journeymen, paru średnio zdolnych młodziaków i jednego wielkiego centra zażywającego po 40 pigułek dziennie stworzył ekipę, która w końcu dograła się i wygrała 8 z 10 ostatnich spotkań, w tym nawet bez Zo. U Pata nawet Strickland i Jim Jackson są wartościowymi graczami; on chyba mógłby wychować nawet Ridera. Straty do play off pewnie już nie nadrobią, ale jeszcze powalczą, będąc groźnymi nawet dla najlpeszych. Zmęczonego tym wszystkim Rileya po sezonie pewnie zastąpi Van Gundy (ale raczej nie Jeff, jak niektórzy marzą, tylko Stan)- ale przynajmniej odchodząc nie będzie miał fatalncyh wspomnień prowadzenia drużyny z samego dna ligi (a przypomnę, że i tak podobny koniec kariery spotykał tak sławnych coachów jak Jack Ramsey, Bill Fitch, czy Alex Hannum). Pzdr Temat: מתוחים ? לחו 1 Be Aware of Every Moment http://www.aish.com/spirituality/48ways/Way_1_Be_Aware_of_Every_Moment.asp Way #1 Be Aware of Every Moment by Rabbi Noah Weinberg A Jewish Path to Fulfillment and Personal Growth. Start here with Way #1: Be Aware of Every Moment. Imagine you're stuck in traffic, and another driver is taking dollar bills and throwing them out the window. You can't believe it. The guy is whacko. Every five minutes, another dollar flies out the window! You probably never saw this. But you have seen someone throwing five minutes out the window. Maybe you even did it yourself. The bus takes off and you're really enjoying the scenery: "Oh, a hill ... look at that store ... and there's a park!" It's not so bad for the first few minutes. But then the cash register starts ringing up wasted time. Ding! Ding! Ding! We all know that "time is money." But which is more important: five minutes or a dollar? Time is the greatest opportunity of your life and you should not waste a minute of it. Bi'talmud literally means "through study." This refers to the study of life. To become a great human being requires applying your mind constantly, until it pervades every fiber of your being. It all begins with a decision, a commitment. Try saying aloud: "Life is an opportunity. I want to use my mind, I want to grow, I don't want to waste one minute of the day." You may notice some resistance as a little voice protests inside: "No way! All work and no play will make Jack a dull boy... No fun, no pleasure, just servitude and sacrifice. C'mon, let's space out and watch TV!" The 48 Ways has tools to fight against this. It's called the "Five-C's": Constant - at every moment. Continuous - without interruption. Consistent - according to schedule. Cyclical - with repetition and review. Comprehensive - as a "student of life." Temat: Rock Progresywny słów kilka.. Proszę o pomoc (Dream Theater "Octavarium") Przymierzam się powoli do napisania artykułu naukowego, w którym podstawę materiałową ma stanowić twórczość takich wykonawców/projektów jak: Dream Theater, Chroma Key, Planet X, Liquid Tension Experiment, OSI, Transatlantic, Platypus, The Jelly Jam, [James LaBrie's] Mullmuzzler, Jughead, Explorer's Club, Frameshift, Kevin Moore, James LaBrie, Derek Sherinian, Jordan Rudess, John Petrucci, Tim Donahue i jeszcze paru innych. Zapewne część z Was zna tytułowy utwór z ostatniego albumu DT - "Octavarium"? Jak nietrudno zauważyć, w trzeciej części wspomnianej suity ("Full Circle"), autor tekstu, Mike Portnoy, dwukrotnie nawiązuje do tytułów niektórych klasycznych dokonań rockowych (choć w jakimś stopniu także do literatury pięknej). Moja prośba dotyczy pomocy w "zidentyfikowaniu" owych inspirujących dzieł - chodzi tu o podanie tytułów płyt, z których pochodzą dane, wspominane w tekście, utwory, a także ich wykonawców. Celowo nie podaję tu, co udało mi się rozpoznać samodzielnie, gdyż możliwe są przypadki "zachodzenia" na siebie poszczególnych tytułów. Może zresztą okazać się, że jakiś tytuł był wykorzystywany częściej i przez różnych wykonawców. Dodatkowym utrudnieniem jest to, że Portnoy nie zastosował tu ani wielkich liter, ani znaków interpunkcyjnych. Zakładam też, iż niektóre z cytowanych fragmentów mogą nie być tytułami, a na przykład fragmentami tekstów utworów. Będę wdzięczny za Waszą pomoc. Oto, dla tych, którzy nie słuchają DT, teksty wspomnianych fragmentów: 1. sailing on the seven seize the day tripper diem's ready / jack the ripper owens wilson phillips and my supper's ready / lucy in the sky with diamond dave's not here I come to save the / day for nightmare cinema show me the way to get back home / again 2. flying off the handle with carefull with / that axe eugene gene the dance machine / messiah light my fire gabba gabba / hey hey my my generation's home again Czekam na Wasze głosy, pozdrawiam - R.M. Temat: miejsce dla zdrajcy? Raport Kuklinskiego 1 grudzien 1980 Raport Kuklinskiego 1 grudzien 1980 VERY URGENT! At a meeting with the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, in accordance with orders from Gen. Jaruzelski's Defense Ministry, Gen. Hupalowski and Col. Puchala endorsed a plan to admit into Poland (under the pretext of maneuvers) the Soviet Army (SA), the National People's Army of the GDR (NVA), and the Czechoslovak People's Army (CLA). Documents and reproduced portions of the plans [for joint intervention] were presented to show that the following forces are to be sent into Poland: three armies comprising 15 SA divisions, one army comprising two CLA divisions, and the staff of one army and one division from the NVA. In total, the intervening group initially will consist of 18 divisions. (A state of readiness to cross the Polish borders was set for 8 December.) At present, representatives from the "fraternal armies," dressed in civilian clothing, are undertaking reconnaissance of invasion routes as well as the distances and terrain for future operations. The scenario of operations for the intervening armies envisages a regrouping of armies to all major Polish Army bases to conduct maneuvers with live ammunition. Then, depending on how things develop, all major Polish cities, especially industrial cities, are to be sealed off. According to the plan of the USSR Armed Forces According to the plan of the USSR Armed Forces General Staff, the Polish Army will remain within its permanent units while its "allies" are regrouping on Polish territory. The only exceptions will be supervisory officers and military traffic control units, which will ensure a collision-free regrouping of the SA, CLA, and NVA armies from the border to the territories of future operations. Four Polish divisions (the 5th and 2nd Tank Divisions and the 4th and 12th Mechanized Divisions) will be called into operation at a later point. Finally, I very much regret to say that although everyone who has seen the plans (a very restricted group of people) is very depressed and crestfallen, no one is even contemplating putting up active resistance against the Warsaw Pact action. There are even those (Jasinski, Puchala) who say that the very presence of such enormous military forces on the territory of Poland may calm the nation. JACK STRONG Temat: Tragedia w F1: Sprężyna uderzyła w kask Felipe ... F1 nadal niebezpieczna. Gdyby sprężyna uderzyła... PS. Henry Surtees 18/02/1991 - 19/07/2009 syn Johna Surtees'a który w 1964 był Mistrzem Świata w Formula 1 zginął w Formule 2 nie chce mi się tłumaczyć mam nadzieję że większość zrozumie : During the second of the weekend's races, the 18-year-old was struck on the head by a wheel and tyre from the car of Jack Clarke, who had spun into the wall exiting Westfield Bend. Surtees was knocked unconscious in the accident and his car failed to negotiate the following Sheene Corner, running straight off the track and into the barrier. Medical crews were swiftly on the scene to extract Surtees from the car, before he was taken to the track's medical centre. He was stabilised at the circuit's facility before being airlifted to the Royal London hospital. A spokesperson for the hospital this evening confirmed that Surtees had died from his injuries. Surtees graduated to F2 this season from Formula Renault and had taken his first podium finish in the series with third place in Saturday's race at Brands Hatch. His step up to the category came after several seasons in karts, which included victory in the Junior Gearbox Championship in 2005, before a graduation to car racing in the Ginetta Junior Championship in 2006. He switched to single seaters in 2007, taking a race victory in Formula BMW UK for Carlin Motorsport en route to seventh overall in the standings - and second in the rookie cup. He also made a brief foray into the Formula Renault UK championship that year, contesting the final two rounds at Thruxton as well as the Winter Series. In 2008 he remained in Formula Renault, taking 12th in the final standings before finishing runner-up in the Winter Series with one victory and three podiums from four races. He also contested last year's British Formula 3 season finale in a National Class car for Carlin, taking one victory and one podium. Panie świeć nad jego duszą Temat: Garść wiadomości od Kristin I guess it was during the writing of "The Brig"—where we were all just talking in the writers room and we realized it's a cheat if he lives. It wouldn’t be fair, because we've made such a big story point out of it that Charlie now has to die. If he is going to accept his death, then he has to die. Otherwise, it's like, why did we do this story at all? We can't just let him off the hook. He has to die. How did you break the news to Dominic? You know, obviously, we started talking to him before we wrote "Flashes Before Your Eyes," just so he would know what was coming. We told him that as soon as we knew definitively what Charlie's fate was going to be, he'd be the first to know. And when we made the final decision, we called him and had a very reasonable conversation. He was completely understanding and appreciative and accepting. On a personal level, was it a difficult decision letting him go? Enormously. When you reflect back on the pilot, it was really Jack, Kate and Charlie's story. They're the three people you experience the crash with. They're the original sort of three amigos who go tromping out into the jungle. I think Dominic is, along with Jorge, really the heart of the show. And the idea of how would the show feel with Charlie not being in it anymore, that was a very dark tunnel to be looking down and it continues to be. But I think the reality is, after 72 hours of Lost, we have the idea of communicating to the audience that it's not just the Shannons and Boones and Paulos and Ekos and Ana Lucias who are vulnerable. Everybody is vulnerable. Not everybody's going to make it to the end of this journey. I think that was an important story point to make. Are you expecting a fan backlash over this? I hope so. I mean that honestly. I think that if people are like "we're glad you did it," that means we didn't do a good job of emotionally bonding the audience to Charlie and making them feel like his sacrifice is really tragic and heartbreaking. But Dom's work has been phenomenal, and in the last two episodes, he raised the bar even higher. And that's not just a producer trying to be generous to an actor who has now left the show. I think the proof is in the proverbial pudding. I really hope that all summer long, I am derided by people for doing this, because it'll mean that it meant something. You heard what the man said, so comment away below. And also tell me how you think it's possible we're going to wait till February to see what happens next! Who wants to hibernate? Temat: Motto na dziś Pożegnałem niepozornego włóczęgę świętej Teresy na skrzyżowaniu, gdzie wyskoczyliśmy z pociągu. Zamierzałem przenocować na plaży opatulony kocami, gdzieś dalej u podnóża klifu, by nie wyśledzili mnie gliniarze i zabrali do aresztu.Nad żarem ogniska piekłem kiełbaski na świeżo ściętych i naostrzonych przeze mnie patykach, natomiast w dołkach z żarem podgrzałem puszkę fasoli i drugą z makaronem z serem. Po wyśmienitej kolacji napiłem się wina, które niedawno kupiłem, i rozkoszowałem się jedną z najprzyjemniejszych nocy w moim życiu. Brodziłem w wodzie i zamoczyłem się trochę, a potem stałem z podniesioną głową, wpatrując się we wspaniałe nocne niebo – wszechświat Awalokiteśwary, mroczny kosmos rozświetlony diamentami gwiazd, jakże cudowny. Jack Kerouac, Włóczędzy Dharmy (przełożył Marek Obarski) *** I bade farewell to the little bum of Saint Teresa at the crossing, where we jumped off, and went to sleep the night in the sand in my blankets, far down the beach at the foot of a cliff where cops wouldn't see me and drive me away. I cooked hot-dogs on freshly cut and sharpened sticks over the coals of a big wood fire, and heated a can of beans and a can of cheese macaroni in the red hot hollows, and drank my newly bought wine, and exulted in one of the most pleasant nights of my life. I waded in the water and dunked a little and stood looking up at the splendorous night sky, Avalokitesvara's ten-wondered universe of dark and diamonds. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShLzrUM1cGs&feature=related Temat: polskie upusty sa smieszne polskie upusty sa smieszne ludzie ciesza sie z darmowych dywanikow lub ceny obnizonej o 1000pln. a w usa? nie dosc, ze regularne ceny samochodow nizsze, to jeszcze daja wielkie upusty. sredni upust w lipcu za samochody wielkiej trojki to ponad 4000usd na sztuke!!! ale sa tez marki, ktore nie daja upustow - scion, mini, porsche Detroit is spending a whopping $4011 in incentives per vehicle sold in July on average, according to Edmunds?s True Cost of Incentives report. That figure remains significantly higher than the record industry average $2885 per vehicle. GM remains the biggest spender of the Big Three and the industry as a whole, increasing its pay out for the fourth straight month to $4467 ? a figure that has them spending $800 more than Ford ($3686), which had the biggest monthly increase in spending ($358), and well over $1000 more than Chrysler ($3384) The automaker kicked off August with a fresh round of incentives, with its uppermost rebate now reaching $5000. While many continue to criticize the General?s cutthroat incentives, the automaker is gaining market share, up 3.4 percent in July, while Ford and Chrysler have fallen 1.3 percent and 2.3 percent respectively, Edmunds says. While the Big Three spend, spend, spend, most of their counterparts are doing their job to keep incentive levels moderate. Korean automakers Kia and Hyundai are the only firms able to actually deflate spending, despite July being a traditionally competitive month when most automakers are moving out 2004 models to make room for 2005. The Koreans reduced incentives $35 to $1833, while Europeans boosted spending $228 to $2562. The Japanese remain the most frugal, spending just a shade above $1000 in incentives per vehicles, Edmunds says. Luxury nameplates Cadillac ($7878), Lincoln ($5480) and Jaguar ($5248) are the most liberal spending of brands in the U.S. market, while specialty players MINI ($80), Scion ($212) and Porsche ($257) dish out the least. -Jack Gilbert July Sales Rebound; Ford, GM Down by Joseph Szczesny (8/3/2004) Chrysler and Japan?s Big Three have a month to remember. Temat: Napad stulecia: znaleziono część łupu Napad stulecia: znaleziono część łupu "Wśród zatrzymanych wcześniej trzech osób jest 60-letni milioner John Fowler" ciekawe skad IAR wytrzasna ta informacje... jakos miejscowe media nie robia z Fowler'a milionera... "Mr Fowler, a car salesman of Elderden Farm in Staplehurst," news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/4770330.stm "local businessman John Fowler" www.guardian.co.uk/crime/article/0,,1720570,00.html "He runs a car recovery business, Monarch Retail, based in Maidstone." www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/03/01/nrob01.xml "Mr Fowler is listed at Companies House as a current director of Monarch Retail. After leaving Bermondsey, South East London, he became a well known businessman, opening Lashings Restaurant in Maidstone in the 1970s. The restaurant was later associated with the famous cricket club of the same name which features big international cricketing names for hire in exhibition matches. Later, Mr Fowler moved in to car sales. Three of the companies of which he was a director - Linton Motors, Carhome and Maidstone Suzuki - were dissolved in the early 90s. He resigned from a fourth company Staples (of Kent). In July 2005 he stepped back into the business world as a car dealer and director of Monarch Retail. The company was formed in June last year and has not yet filed any information. No description is given of its business. However, a classified advert for the firm placed on the GMTV website publicised a 24-hour vehicle recovery service and gave an address in Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. Mr Fowler and second wife Linda have an older daughter Amy, a second daughter Harriet born in 1990 and a son Jack born in 1991. The businessman still owns farm property and rents off sections to other businesses." Temat: Mam pare pytań, proszę o pomoc ;( dompat napisała: > Mam kilka wątpliwości, bardzo chciałabym by ktoś mi pomógł je rozwiązać. > 1. Na sprzedaż - for sale? On sell > 2. Płacę czynasz w wysokosci - pay a rent of-for 200 euros? I pay rent in height... > 3. I teraz troszkę do wyboru: > a) I am good at/in English on > b) Mark is bored of/with grammar. about > c) Andrew is excited about/with going on holiday. for > d) Janet is fed-up of/with cooking. for > e) Jim is pleased of/with the result of his work. in > f) Tom is upset about/on losing his job. with > g) Roll up/off your sleeves and get down to work. down > h) I was embarrassed of-by his rude behaviour with > i)They are sick and tired of/at the rainy water. in > j)Fiona was devastated by/of the news. at > k) Don't be cross with/on Jack. for > l) Helen was disgusted by/on the way he treated us. in > m) They were apprehensive about/with our visit. on > n) Little Pam is petrified with/of spiders. about > o)Your shirt is undone. Button it on/up. with > 4. Co oznaczaja te idiomy? > a) I was over the moon. (1-I was very happy and excited. 2-I felt lonley. 3-I > was extremely angry). Byłem ponad księżycem - czyli eksplodowałem > b) I blew my top. (1-I panicked. 2-I lost my temper. 3-I was amused) > Rozerwała mi ię koszula > Z góry dziękuję Nie ma sprawy. Zawsze do usług ;-) Temat: Uzbekistan STRAW CALLS FOR AN END TO THE BRUTAL REGIME IN UZB BOOT HIM OUT: STRAW CALLS FOR AN END TO THE BRUTAL REGIME IN UZBEKISTAN muslimuzbekistan.com/eng/ennews/2005/05/ennews16052005e.html By: Brian Roberts Uploaded/Updated: Mon, 16 May 2005 11:35:39 GMT Straw plea on butcher of Uzbekistan Foreign Secretary Jack Straw yesterday called for an end to the brutal regime in Uzbekistan. As relatives of 500 protesters killed by troops in a city square began burying their dead, he urged a move to democracy. Straw said: 'The situation is very serious, there has been a clear abuse of human rights, a lack of democracy and a lack of openness.' The country's hardline president, Islam Karimov, has been accused of boiling dissidents alive. Islamic beards are banned and torture and human rights abuses are widespread. Yesterday, Uzbek security forces sealed off Andijan's city centre, where the atrocity took place on Friday. Straw said the British ambassador was meeting officials to reiterate Britain's call for 'transparency' about what is happening in the country. Britain wants the Red Cross and foreign observers to be allowed in to Uzbekistan. President Karimov has blamed the unrest in Andijan on criminals and Islamic radicals. However, critics argue he is using the threat of extremism as a cover to crush opposition. Critics of the United States also say its government has turned a 'blind eye' to the situationThe US has an air base there and Uzbekistan is considered an ally in the war on terror. Straw said he did not know America's position in detail but said Britain's stance was clear. Yesterday, relatives of the dead carried the bodies to a school in Andijan, where they were laid out in makeshift lines as prayers were said. The bloodshed began as protesters battled to end the country's harsh Soviet-style regime. Karimov had refused to meet their demands and sent in troops to end an uprising after an armed group released 2000 prison inmates. It is still unknown how many people died but one doctor said 2000 had been wounded. As the dead were buried, up to 4000 people tried to escape the country by fleeing to the closed border with Kyrgyzstan. And Kyrgyz border guards turned back about 6000 Uzbeks who were trying to flee. Temat: Notebook Athlon64 Czlowieku, po co bredzic takie glupoty? Jak ciebie nie stac na inteligentne komentarze to nie musisz tracic elektronow. To jest wiek w ktorym DESKTOPY sa zastapiane przez tak zwany NOTEBOOK. Komputer to nie zabawka dla dzieci, a narzedzie pracy, ktore pozwala wielu zarabiac duze pieniadze. Jak ty uzywasz komputer jako kalculator to dla ciebie to jest cegla, bo i tak nie bedziesz wiedzial co z tym zrobic. Komputer potrzebuje odpowiedniego chlodzenia i te wszystkie "karty kredytowe" zawsze sie przegrzewaly bo nie maja wystarczajacej objetosci aby zapewnic dobre chlodzenie po przez wymiane powietrza, znany problem z wieloma laptopami. Ten NOTEBOOK ma 150 W power supply a nie 60-90W tak jak LAPTOP. Ja sie kupuje NOTEBOOK (desktop replacement) to wlasnie trzeba szukac takiego ktory bedzie mial volume i mase aby sie nie przegrzewal (chlodzenie). Zamiast noszenia NOTEBOOK kup sobie samochod i bedziesz go wozil. www.amdboard.com/athlon_64_notebook.html AMD Athlon 64 M Mobile 3000+ µPGA 754 Package with Socket-754 AMI BIOS code, 4MB Flash EPROM, PMU, Plug & Play nVidia nForce3 Go 150 512 (2x256) MB DDR-RAM 2x SO-DIMM Socket bis expendable to 2.048MB, DDR 266 / DDR 333 15,0" SXGA+ TFT 1400 x 1050, 16,7 Milion Colors NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5650 (NV31MFC), 64MB DDR SDRAM, Support DX9 PCMCIA 2.1 compliant Two Type II or one type III, Non-ZV port MMC/ SD, Memory Stick 60GB 2.5" 9.5mm IDE HDD with Ultra DMA133 supported, 4200RPM DVD-RW Combo AC97 s/w MODEM and 10/100/1000BaseT PCI LAN on board 19mm full size 88key with MS-Windows function keys 3mm travel AC 97 S/W audio, SoundBlaster Pro Compatible, Build-in stereo speakers Type A: Li-Ion 18650 8 cells, 14.8V, 4400mAh, 65Wh battery pack (Standard) Run-Down life, Car mode: A: 1.5 hrs, Run-Down life, Motor mode: A: 2 hrs, Run- Down life, Walking mode: A: 2.5hrs Smart battery charger, charging time, 4hrs/2.5 hrs (System On/ Off) to 95% Output: 19V DC, 7.9A, 150W Input: 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz universal 1 x EPP/ECP Parallel port/D-sub 25-pin 1 x COM port 1 x Infrared port support IrDA V1.1 1 x S/PDIF output jack 1 x Headphone-out (Stereo) jack 1 x Microphone-in jack (Mono) 1 x Line-in Jack 1 x VGA port/Mini D-sub 15-pin for external DDC monitor 1 x Video Connector which including S-Signal and -Composite video signal 1 x RJ11 Modem jack for phone line 1 x RJ45 LAN Jack for LAN insert 4 x USB 2.0 ports (one in right-hand side) 1 x IEEE 1394 port (FireWire) Full feature ACPI power management, supports Stand-by, Suspend to Disk, and Suspend to RAM 339 x 273 x 39-53mm (W x D x H, typical) 3.7 kg (w/ 15.0" LCD, 9.5mm HDD, Combo and 8 cells Li-Ion battery pack) Win XP Home Jak ktos jest gluchy, slepy, i ma klopoty psychiczne to jemu komputer i tak nie jest potrzebny. Temat: Opisy odcinków 3x17 - 3x22 Opisy odcinków 3x17 - 3x22 3.17 - Catch 22 (Desmond Centric) Desmond gets a flash of the future and enlists Hurley, Charlie, and Jin to join him on a mysterious hike. Hurley becomes suspicious that Desmond may be acting without everybody's best interests in mind. Desmond's vision reference the cable that Sayid, and later Hurley, found in season one. If you'll recall, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse told BuddyTV that a major reveal was coming up concerning that cable later on. This episode will close with Desmond and the gang finding a mysterious parachutist named Naomi who may have compelling information concerning one of the current island occupants. 3.18 - D.O.C (Sun/Jin Centric) Juliet finds out that Sun is pregnant and tells her that women who conceive on the island could die if they carry to term. Sun responds by telling her that the baby may not have been conceived on the island, in fact it may not even be Jin's child. So the two set off for the medical hatch to try to determine when the baby was conceived. Meanwhile, Desmond and his crew scramble to save the life of the mysterious Naomi and are assisted by an old enemy, seems eye patch guy survived the fence after all. 3.19 - The Brig (Locke Centric) Locke slips away from the others and lures Sawyer away from the beach. Flashbacks will reveal what Locke has been up to with the others since they abandoned their 'village'. In a secluded Dharma holding cell, Locke will bring Sawyer together with Anthony Cooper for a fate full encounter that will resolve a long standing season one mystery. Meanwhile, Naomi will return to the beach with some alarming information concerning flight 815, but can she be trusted? 3.20 - The Man Behind the Curtain (Ben Centric) The past of the island is explored including how Dharma came to be there, why, and what the fateful 'purge' was really all about. Flashbacks will show Ben through various ages up until adulthood. The mysterious 'Jacob' will finally be revealed, and the question of whether any Dharma members still live will be revealed. 3.21 - The Truth About Lying / The Greatest Hits (Charlie Centric) Rescue is finally at hand for the survivors of Oceanic 815, but first someone must reconnect an underwater sonar beacon. Despite his foretold death, Charlie volunteers. Copious rumors suggest that Charlie dies in this episode, but some new rumors I've been hearing suggest that this is a huge misdirection and there will be another highly unexpected major character death instead. 3.22/3.23 - Through the Looking Glass (Jack Centric) This episode promises a Jack revelation of legendary proportions! Also, there will finally be an en masse collision between the beach folk and the Other's. On the speculation end of things, folks are saying that the island folk will split into two factions themselves, one led by Jack, and one by Sawyer, but the division will be at the will of another, and for purposes no one will expect. Temat: When you asked me did I realise that, I... How did that happen?? I don't know WHETHER to laugh or cry. But I am very pleased to see YOU have sorted out YOUR punctuation. I was just reading fragments of 'Eats, shoots and leaves' - a book on punctuation. There some hilarious things in it eg: Isn’t the analogy with good manners perfect? Truly good manners are invisible: they ease the way for others, without drawing attention to themselves. It is no accident that the word “punctilious” (“attentive to formality or etiquette”) comes from the same original root word as punctuation. As we shall see, the practice of “pointing” our writing has always been offered in a spirit of helpfulness, to underline meaning and prevent awkward misunderstandings between writer and reader. In 1644 a schoolmaster from Southwark, Richard Hodges, wrote in his The English Primrose that “great care ought to be had in writing, for the due observing of points: for, the neglect thereof will pervert the sense”, and he quoted as an example, “My Son, if sinners intise [entice] thee consent thou, not refraining thy foot from their way.” Imagine the difference to the sense, he says, if you place the comma after the word “not”: “My Son, if sinners intise thee consent thou not, refraining thy foot from their way.” This was the 1644 equivalent of Ronnie Barker in Porridge, reading the sign-off from a fellow lag’s letter from home, “Now I must go and get on my lover”, and then pretending to notice a comma, so hastily changing it to, “Now I must go and get on, my lover.” To be fair, many people who couldn’t punctuate their way out of a paper bag are still interested in the way punctuation can alter the sense of a string of words. It is the basis of all “I’m sorry, I’ll read that again” jokes. Instead of “What would you with the king?” you can have someone say in Marlowe’s Edward II, “What? Would you? With the king?” The consequences of mispunctuation (and re-punctuation) have appealed to both great and little minds, and in the age of the fancy-that email a popular example is the comparison of two sentences: A woman, without her man, is nothing. A woman: without her, man is nothing. Which, I don’t know, really makes you think, doesn’t it? Here is a popular “Dear Jack” letter that works in much the same fundamentally pointless way: Dear Jack, I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart. I can be forever happy – will you let me be yours? Jill Dear Jack, I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men I yearn! For you I have no feelings whatsoever. When we’re apart I can be forever happy. Will you let me be? Yours, Jill But just to show there is nothing very original about all this, five hundred years before email a similarly tiresome puzzle was going round: Every Lady in this Land Hath 20 Nails on each Hand; Five & twenty on Hands and Feet; And this is true, without deceit. (Every lady in this land has twenty nails. On each hand, five; and twenty on hands and feet.) Strona 1 z 2 • Wyszukano 79 rezultatów • 1, 2 |
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