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Widzisz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla zapytania: jacking offTemat: Jutro zaczyna sie jatka amerykanskich mafiozow dokladka dla dachsa - obroncy mafioza Money Trail Many Millions in Kickbacks From Tribes NY Tiems By MICHAEL JANOFSKY Published: January 4, 2006 WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 - The kickbacks from one Indian tribe exceeded $11 million. From another, they surpassed $6 million. In less than three years, Jack Abramoff secretly netted more than $20 million from tribes in five states, a sum close to half of the $43.3 million they paid him and a partner to lobby on their behalf. "These are staggering numbers, even by Washington standards," said Stanley Brand, a defense lawyer who specializes in criminal and ethical matters. "The big firms do very, very well, but they don't come close to these kinds of numbers." The level to which Mr. Abramoff enriched himself at the expense of clients came into sharp focus on Tuesday as his plea agreement on federal charges of conspiracy, mail fraud and tax evasion was made public by the Justice Department. The agreement referred to five business relationships Mr. Abramoff had with Indian tribes, and in each case he admitted to receiving a large percentage of the tribe's total spending as a kickback. As part of his plea, Mr. Abramoff agreed to repay his former clients $25 million. Mr. Abramoff carried out his fraudulent schemes by persuading clients that they needed the lobbying services of firms run by a former business partner, Michael Scanlon, or by his own companies. Mr. Scanlon pleaded guilty in November to conspiring to bribe a member of Congress, and as part of his plea, he agreed to repay $19.6 million to the tribes that once retained him. Mr. Abramoff's largest kickback came from a Louisiana tribe that used his services from early 2001 through the spring of 2004. In the plea agreement Mr. Abramoff said the tribe paid companies run by Mr. Scanlon $30,510,000. But through an agreement between Mr. Abramoff and Mr. Scanlon, they concealed a kickback of about $11,450,000 to Mr. Abramoff. In another scheme, beginning in early 2001, a Mississippi tribe paid Mr. Scanlon about $14,765,000, ignorant of the "secret profit-sharing agreement" between Mr. Scanlon and Mr. Abramoff that sliced off nearly half of the total, about $6,364,000, as a kickback to Mr. Abramoff. A Michigan tribe paid Mr. Scanlon about $3.5 million from the middle of 2002 to the fall of 2003, unaware of the "secret arrangement" that directed about $540,000, half the profit earned by Mr. Scanlon's companies, to Mr. Abramoff. In a scheme that suggested how little they cared for the needs of their clients, Mr. Abramoff and Mr. Scanlon persuaded a Texas tribe in 2002 to hire them to help the tribe reopen its casino through federal legislation. According to the plea agreement, while the tribe paid $4.2 million for services arranged by Mr. Scanlon, the two men concealed from the Texas tribe that, at the same time, they had collected millions of dollars from the Louisiana tribe to oppose all gaming in the Texas Legislature. They also did not tell the Texas tribe that $1,850,000 of their fees went directly to Mr. Abramoff "pursuant to his undisclosed arrangement with Mr. Scanlon." In a final case cited by the plea agreement, a New Mexico tribe paid Mr. Scanlon $2.75 million, hiding from tribal officials that the lobbying firm's profit margin was about 80 percent and that $1,175,000 of the total was paid to Mr. Abramoff through his secret agreement with Mr. Scanlon. Paul Miller, president of the American League of Lobbyists, a trade group with 700 members, said Mr. Abramoff was "in a league by himself" as a Washington lobbyist, a term he said he used reluctantly. "Jack Abramoff, by my definition, is not a lobbyist," Mr. Miller said. "He knowingly defrauded clients. In my view, he is nothing more than a scam artist." Temat: No. I don't support our troops. No. I don't support our troops. I don't support our troops. This is a particularly difficult opinion to have, especially if you are the kind of person who likes to put bumper stickers on his car. Supporting the troops is a position that even Calvin is unwilling to urinate on. I'm sure I'd like the troops. They seem gutsy, young and up for anything. If you're wandering into a recruiter's office and signing up for eight years of unknown danger, I want to hang with you in Vegas. And I've got no problem with other people * the ones who were for the Iraq war * supporting the troops. If you think invading Iraq was a good idea, then by all means, support away. Load up on those patriotic magnets and bracelets and other trinkets the Chinese are making money off of. But I'm not for the war. And being against the war and saying you support the troops is one of the wussiest positions the pacifists have ever taken * and they're wussy by definition. It's as if the one lesson they took away from Vietnam wasn't to avoid foreign conflicts with no pressing national interest but to remember to throw a parade afterward. Blindly lending support to our soldiers, I fear, will keep them overseas longer by giving soft acquiescence to the hawks who sent them there * and who might one day want to send them somewhere else. Trust me, a guy who thought 50.7% was a mandate isn't going to pick up on the subtleties of a parade for just service in an unjust war. He's going to be looking for funnel cake. Besides, those little yellow ribbons aren't really for the troops. They need body armor, shorter stays and a USO show by the cast of "Laguna Beach." The real purpose of those ribbons is to ease some of the guilt we feel for voting to send them to war and then making absolutely no sacrifices other than enduring two Wolf Blitzer shows a day. Though there should be a ribbon for that. I understand the guilt. We know we're sending recruits to do our dirty work, and we want to seem grateful. After we've decided that we made a mistake, we don't want to blame the soldiers who were ordered to fight. Or even our representatives, who were deceived by false intelligence. And certainly not ourselves, who failed to object to a war we barely understood. But blaming the president is a little too easy. The truth is that people who pull triggers are ultimately responsible, whether they're following orders or not. An army of people making individual moral choices may be inefficient, but an army of people ignoring their morality is horrifying. An army of people ignoring their morality, by the way, is also Jack Abramoff's pet name for the House of Representatives. I do sympathize with people who joined up to protect our country, especially after 9/11, and were tricked into fighting in Iraq. I get mad when I'm tricked into clicking on a pop-up ad, so I can only imagine how they feel. But when you volunteer for the U.S. military, you pretty much know you're not going to be fending off invasions from Mexico and Canada. So you're willingly signing up to be a fighting tool of American imperialism, for better or worse. Sometimes you get lucky and get to fight ethnic genocide in Kosovo, but other times it's Vietnam. And sometimes, for reasons I don't understand, you get to just hang out in Germany. I know this is all easy to say for a guy who grew up with money, did well in school and hasn't so much as served on jury duty for his country. But it's really not that easy to say because anyone remotely affiliated with the military could easily beat me up, and I'm listed in the phone book. I'm not advocating that we spit on returning veterans like they did after the Vietnam War, but we shouldn't be celebrating people for doing something we don't think was a good idea. All I'm asking is that we give our returning soldiers what they need: hospitals, pensions, mental health and a safe, immediate return. But, please, no parades. Seriously, the traffic is insufferable. Temat: Na wesoło Church Bulletin Bloopers They're Back!Church Bulletin Bloopers: Thank Goodness for church ladies with typewriters.These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services: ********************* Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist.Come hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa. * * * * * * * * * * * The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals. * * * * * * * * * * The sermon this morning: "Jesus Walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus." * * * * * * * * * * Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 PM in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King. * * * * * * * * * * Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale.It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house.Don't forget your husbands. * * * * * * * * * * The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict. * * * * * * * * * * Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community.Smile at someone who is hard to love.Say "Hell" to someone who doesn't care much about you. * * * * * * * * * * Don't let worry kill you off......let the Church help. * * * * * * * * * * Miss Charlene Mason sang "I will not pass this way again," giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. * * * * * * * * * * For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. * * * * * * * * * * Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir.They need all the help they can get. * * * * * * * * * * Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions.She is also having trouble sleeping.She has requested tapes of Pastor Jack's sermons. * * * * * * * * * * The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing "Break Forth Into Joy." * * * * * * * * * * Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church and so ends a friendship that began in their school days. * * * * * * * * * * A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. * * * * * * * * * * At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What Is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice. * * * * * * * * * * Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. * * * * * * * * * * Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. * * * * * * * * * * Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered. * * * * * * * * * * Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch. * * * * * * * * * * The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility. * * * * * * * * * * Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow. * * * * * * * * * * The ladies of the Church have cast-off clothing of every kind. Theymay be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. * * * * * * * * * * This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park acrossfrom the Church.Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. * * * * * * * * * * Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM.All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. is done. * * * * * * * * * * The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday. * * * * * * * * * * Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM.Please usethe back door. * * * * * * * * * * Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance. * * * * * * * * * * The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours." Temat: Sikorski o czasie trwania misji w Iraku neokoń? Polish Defense Minister a neo-con protege. Poland's Defense Minister Radek Sikorski, a veteran senior fellow of the neo-con citadel, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), is the new darling of the neo-con media, being hailed as a "visionary" by the New York Sun, a noted neo-con outlet. Polish intelligence sources report that Sikorski became a U.S. intelligence asset during the Reagan Cold War years. Sikorski was a Solidarity leader in the 1970s. He was visiting Britain in 1981 when martial law was declared in Poland. In 1984 Sikorski became a British citizen. Sikorski operated under the cover of a journalist in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan during the mid 1980s and in Angola in the late 1980s where he liaised with pro-U.S. UNITA guerrillas backed by apartheid South Africa and noted GOP activists, including recently convicted Jack Abramoff as well as Karl Rove friend and adviser Grover Norquist. In 2002, after Angola's government killed UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi with the help of Kellogg, Brown & Root military advisers, Sikorski penned an anti-Savimbi screed in the neo-con Wall Street Journal, dismissing his old friend and the man Ronald Reagan called the "George Washington of Africa" as a pro-Mao closeted Leninist who practiced voodoo and believed in Kwame Nkrumah and Leopold Senghor-style black consciousness ("negritude"). Sikorski is married to U.S. journalist Anne Applebaum, who serves on the editorial board of The Washington Post and dismisses the use of the term "neo-con" as paranoia aimed at discrediting the "themed revolutions" in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and other "pro-democracy" neo-con initiatives like the debacle in Iraq. [For more on the Washington Post, see today's guest column]. While at AEI from 2002 to 2005, Sikorski also served as director of the New Atlantic Initiative, a neo- con contrivance that counts among its adherents Kateryna Chumachenko Yushchenko and her husband, Viktor Yushchenko, the "Orange Revolution" President of Ukraine. Chumachenko served in the Reagan White House and State and Treasury Departments and later worked for KPMG as "Katherine Chumachenko." Chumachenko worked in the White House Public Liaison Office where she conducted outreach to various right-wing and anti-communist exile groups in the United States, including the other bastion of the neo-cons, The Heritage Foundation and Friends of Afghanistan, on whose board Afghan refugee and current Bush pro-consul in Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, sat. Khalilzad, like Chumachenko, worked in the Reagan State Department. Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent cut-off of natural gas to Ukraine, Poland, and other countries was a clear warning shot about the influence of neo-cons and exiled Israeli-based Russian oligarchs in Eastern Europe and Polish and Ukrainian backing for further U.S. military adventures in the Middle East, including attacks on Iran and Syria. Temat: Rząd: wniosek do prezydenta o przedłużenie misj... Dla kogo robi sikorka? Polish Defense Minister a neo-con protege. Poland's Defense Minister Radek Sikorski, a veteran senior fellow of the neo-con citadel, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), is the new darling of the neo-con media, being hailed as a "visionary" by the New York Sun, a noted neo-con outlet. Polish intelligence sources report that Sikorski became a U.S. intelligence asset during the Reagan Cold War years. Sikorski was a Solidarity leader in the 1970s. He was visiting Britain in 1981 when martial law was declared in Poland. In 1984 Sikorski became a British citizen. Sikorski operated under the cover of a journalist in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan during the mid 1980s and in Angola in the late 1980s where he liaised with pro-U.S. UNITA guerrillas backed by apartheid South Africa and noted GOP activists, including recently convicted Jack Abramoff as well as Karl Rove friend and adviser Grover Norquist. In 2002, after Angola's government killed UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi with the help of Kellogg, Brown & Root military advisers, Sikorski penned an anti-Savimbi screed in the neo-con Wall Street Journal, dismissing his old friend and the man Ronald Reagan called the "George Washington of Africa" as a pro-Mao closeted Leninist who practiced voodoo and believed in Kwame Nkrumah and Leopold Senghor-style black consciousness ("negritude"). Sikorski is married to U.S. journalist Anne Applebaum, who serves on the editorial board of The Washington Post and dismisses the use of the term "neo-con" as paranoia aimed at discrediting the "themed revolutions" in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and other "pro-democracy" neo-con initiatives like the debacle in Iraq. [For more on the Washington Post, see today's guest column]. While at AEI from 2002 to 2005, Sikorski also served as director of the New Atlantic Initiative, a neo- con contrivance that counts among its adherents Kateryna Chumachenko Yushchenko and her husband, Viktor Yushchenko, the "Orange Revolution" President of Ukraine. Chumachenko served in the Reagan White House and State and Treasury Departments and later worked for KPMG as "Katherine Chumachenko." Chumachenko worked in the White House Public Liaison Office where she conducted outreach to various right-wing and anti-communist exile groups in the United States, including the other bastion of the neo-cons, The Heritage Foundation and Friends of Afghanistan, on whose board Afghan refugee and current Bush pro-consul in Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, sat. Khalilzad, like Chumachenko, worked in the Reagan State Department. Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent cut-off of natural gas to Ukraine, Poland, and other countries was a clear warning shot about the influence of neo-cons and exiled Israeli-based Russian oligarchs in Eastern Europe and Polish and Ukrainian backing for further U.S. military adventures in the Middle East, including attacks on Iran and Syria. Temat: Guardian 15.4.06 Guardian 15.4.06 Britain took part in mock Iran invasion Pentagon planned for Tehran conflict with war game involving UK troops Julian Borger in Washington and Ewen MacAskill Saturday April 15, 2006 Guardian British officers took part in a US war game aimed at preparing for a possible invasion of Iran, despite repeated claims by the foreign secretary, Jack Straw, that a military strike against Iran is inconceivable. The war game, codenamed Hotspur 2004, took place at the US base of Fort Belvoir in Virginia in July 2004. A Ministry of Defence spokesman played down its significance yesterday. "These paper-based exercises are designed to test officers to the limit in fictitious scenarios. We use invented countries and situations using real maps," he said. The disclosure of Britain's participation came in the week in which the Iranian crisis intensified, with a US report that the White House was contemplating a tactical nuclear strike and Tehran defying the United Nations security council. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, who sparked outrage in the US, Europe and Israel last year by calling for Israel to be wiped off the face of the Earth, created more alarm yesterday. He told a conference in Tehran in support of the Palestinians: "Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation. The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm." The senior British officers took part in the Iranian war game just over a year after the invasion of Iraq. It was focused on the Caspian Sea, with an invasion date of 2015. Although the planners said the game was based on a fictitious Middle East country called Korona, the border corresponded exactly with Iran's and the characteristics of the enemy were Iranian. A British medium-weight brigade operated as part of a US-led force. The MoD's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, which helped run the war game, described it on its website as the "year's main analytical event of the UK-US Future Land Operations Interoperability Study" aimed at ensuring that both armies work well together. The study "was extremely well received on both sides of the Atlantic". According to an MoD source, war games covering a variety of scenarios are conducted regularly by senior British officers in the UK, the US or at Nato headquarters. He cited senior military staff carrying out a mock invasion of southern England last week and one of Scotland in January. However, Hotspur took place at a time of accelerated US planning after the fall of Baghdad for a possible conflict with Iran. That planning is being carried out by US Central Command, responsible for the Middle East and central Asia area of operations, and by Strategic Command, which carries out long-range bombing and nuclear operations. William Arkin, a former army intelligence officer who first reported on the contingency planning for a possible nuclear strike against Iran in his military column for the Washington Post online, said: "The United States military is really, really getting ready, building war plans and options, studying maps, shifting its thinking." A Foreign Office spokesman said: "The foreign secretary has made his position very clear that military action is inconceivable. The Foreign Office regards speculation about war, particularly involving Britain, as unhelpful at a time when the diplomatic route is still being pursued." After the failure of a mission to Tehran on Thursday by Mohammed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Russia announced a diplomatic initiative yesterday. It is to host a new round of talks in Moscow on Tuesday with the US, the EU and China. Temat: W Słupsku powstanie rondo im. płka Kuklińskiego kwiecien45 napisał: > Zdrajca jest zawsze zdrajcą ojczyzny bez względu na intencje. > Jako oficer złamał przysięgę. > Nie ważne czy służył CIA czy GRU. > Zdradził kolegów oficerów, zdradził ojczyznę taką jaka ona wówczas była, > pomógł precyzyjniej nakierować rakiety NATO na nasze domy i żołnierzy. JEZELI NASZ BOHATER BYL ZDRAJCA TO W NAGRODE JA BYM CIEBIE POWIESILA! :) KUKLINSKI zdradzil nasza znienawidzona ojczyzne z siedziba w Kremlu, Moskba! Raport Kuklinskiego 15 wrzesien 1981 WARSAW 2030, 15 September 1981 At an extraordinary session of the KOK on Sunday, which Kania attended for the first time, no final decision was made about the imposition of martial law. Almost all of the participants supported it. It seems that the tenor of the meeting surprised Kania. Although he did not question that such a development was inevitable, he reportedly said, in these precise words, that "a confrontation with the class enemy is unavoidable. This involves first a struggle using political means, but if that should fail, repression may be adopted." Note-taking was forbidden at the session. During the KOK's meeting, Kiszczak declared that Solidarity knew the details of our plans, including Operation "Wiosna" and its secret codename. I should emphasize that this is a codename— the secret title of the operation—and not the codeword needed to put it into effect. The officials responsible for implementing the plans don't know the codename; hence, it will be easy to compile a group of suspects. (The MSW was given urgent orders to find the source.) The first steps have already been taken. Except for Szklarski and me, everyone was excluded in operational directives from the planning. A counterintelligence officer visited Szklarski and me yesterday. He spoke about ways of preventing future leaks. At present, Jasinski has taken command of planning at the national level. Szklarski has temporarily withdrawn. Since this morning we have been working, under Jasinski's supervision and in cooperation with a PUWP CC official, with the KOK Secretariat, with the KPPRM, and with Pawlikowski from MSW, on a unified plan of command for the surprise introduction of martial law. The document is still being put together, so I am unable to give a detailed account of it. (I proposed a break so that I could send this telegram.) In brief, martial law will be introduced at night, either between Friday and a work-free Saturday or between Saturday and Sunday, when industrial plants will be closed. Arrests will begin around midnight, six hours before an announcement of martial law is broadcast over the radio and television. Roughly 600 people will be arrested in Warsaw, which will require the use of around 1,000 police in unmarked cars. That same night, the army will seal off the most important areas of Warsaw and other major cities. Initially, only the MSW's forces will take part. A separate political decision will be made about "improving the deployment of armies," that is, redeploying entire divisions to major cities. This will be done only if reports come in about larger pockets of unrest. One cannot rule out, however, that redeployments of divisions based far away from the areas of future operations will commence with the introduction of martial law or even earlier. For example, it would take roughly 54 hours to redeploy the 4th Mechanized Division to the vicinity of Warsaw. Because the investigation is proceeding, I will have to forgo my daily reports about current developments. Please treat with caution the information I am conveying to you, since it appears that my mission is coming to an end. The nature of the information makes it quite easy to detect the source. I do not object to, and indeed welcome, having the information I have conveyed serve those who fight for the freedom of Poland with their heads raised high. I am prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, but the best way to achieve something is with our actions and not with our sacrifices. Long live free Poland! Long live Solidarity, which brings freedom to all oppressed nations! JACK STRONG www.videofact.com/mark/Kuklinski/jego_raport3.html Temat: jak zastopowac neandertalskich cowbojow jak zastopowac neandertalskich cowbojow Britain fights to restrain US over combative UN resolution By David Usborne in New York Andrew Grice and Ben Russell 26 September 2002 Internal links Britain fights to restrain US over combative UN resolution Eighty more Labour MPs ready to rebel, Blair is warned British dossier is scorned as 'propaganda' March 'will be biggest anti-war gathering' Russia fears US oil companies will take over world's second-biggest reserves US claims proof of Iraq terror link Democrat leader rages at Bush's 'patriot' claim Deadpan Rumsfeld digs in over Germany Donald Macintyre: Mr Blair would be wise not to ignore the unease over his Iraq policy Anita Roddick: How I became a target for America's zealots Peter Carrington: Regime change is all very well, but who will replace Saddam? Leading article: Both sides must share the blame for the breakdown in German- US relations The common front between Britain and the United States against Iraq was under strain last night as crucial differences emerged over a new UN resolution aimed at resolving the crisis. Britain has mounted a behind-the-scenes effort to dissuade the White House from seeking a resolution on Iraq that would be so belligerent as to make its passage through the UN Security Council virtually impossible. President George Bush was expected to sign a draft text for the Security Council's consideration last night or today. But there is anxiety in London that it may overstep what other members, notably France and Russia, would find palatable. Those fears were heightened today when Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a quick solution to the Iraqi crisis using political and diplomatic means, and suggested no new UN resolutions were necessary. "We favour a rapid resolution of the situation by political and diplomatic means, on the basis of existing UN Security Council regulations and in line with the principles of international law," Mr Putin said. "The decision to resume the activities of U.N. inspectors in Iraq opens up the possibility for this decision to be put into action rapidly and allows the concerns of the international community to be allayed." Tony Blair is determined to secure the unanimous backing of the five permanent members of the Council. He believes that abstentions when demands were last made on Iraq made it easier for Saddam Hussein to flout the UN's will. Britain is prepared to co-sponsor with the US a tough resolution saying that President Saddam must give UN inspectors full and unfettered access to any sites in Iraq they wish to visit. But divisions have emerged with the Bush administration about how specific the threat of military action should be. One draft warns that any "failure" to comply will result in "international action" under Chapter VII of the UN charter, which provides for military intervention to enforce decisions. However, Britain believes that Russia holds the key to winning unanimous support and is unlikely to back such an open threat of war. London may propose a less explicit motion in the hope of bringing Moscow onside. Diplomats at UN headquarters in New York warned that an overly aggressive draft resolution could quickly doom all hope of seeing a return of the arms inspectors to Iraq. Such an outcome would have unprecedented diplomatic consequences and leave the US free to pursue war, giving Mr Blair an agonising dilemma over whether to join military action. "The most crucial task is to get something that all five countries can agree on," one British source said last night. Britain hopes that agreement with the US can be reached by the weekend. A possible compromise is a text that makes it clear to Iraq that war will be the consequence of not co-operating over inspections but which does not seem to give America a pretext at the first sign of trouble. "In no way can it contain triggers that would allow one member state to rush off to war," one Western diplomat warned. Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, insisted last night that Britain and America already had "ample power" to justify military strikes. He told the Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee: "We do not regard it as absolutely essential that there should be a new Security Council resolution – we regard it as desirable." Mr Straw is to visit key states in the Gulf, including Iran,after next week's Labour Party conference in an attempt to build support for military action. Temat: miejsce dla zdrajcy? Long live free Poland! Raport Kuklinskiego 15 wrzesien 1981 WARSAW 2030, 15 September 1981 At an extraordinary session of the KOK on Sunday, which Kania attended for the first time, no final decision was made about the imposition of martial law. Almost all of the participants supported it. It seems that the tenor of the meeting surprised Kania. Although he did not question that such a development was inevitable, he reportedly said, in these precise words, that "a confrontation with the class enemy is unavoidable. This involves first a struggle using political means, but if that should fail, repression may be adopted." Note-taking was forbidden at the session. During the KOK's meeting, Kiszczak declared that Solidarity knew the details of our plans, including Operation "Wiosna" and its secret codename. I should emphasize that this is a codename— the secret title of the operation—and not the codeword needed to put it into effect. The officials responsible for implementing the plans don't know the codename; hence, it will be easy to compile a group of suspects. (The MSW was given urgent orders to find the source.) The first steps have already been taken. Except for Szklarski and me, everyone was excluded in operational directives from the planning. A counterintelligence officer visited Szklarski and me yesterday. He spoke about ways of preventing future leaks. At present, Jasinski has taken command of planning at the national level. Szklarski has temporarily withdrawn. Since this morning we have been working, under Jasinski's supervision and in cooperation with a PUWP CC official, with the KOK Secretariat, with the KPPRM, and with Pawlikowski from MSW, on a unified plan of command for the surprise introduction of martial law. The document is still being put together, so I am unable to give a detailed account of it. (I proposed a break so that I could send this telegram.) In brief, martial law will be introduced at night, either between Friday and a work-free Saturday or between Saturday and Sunday, when industrial plants will be closed. Arrests will begin around midnight, six hours before an announcement of martial law is broadcast over the radio and television. Roughly 600 people will be arrested in Warsaw, which will require the use of around 1,000 police in unmarked cars. That same night, the army will seal off the most important areas of Warsaw and other major cities. Initially, only the MSW's forces will take part. A separate political decision will be made about "improving the deployment of armies," that is, redeploying entire divisions to major cities. This will be done only if reports come in about larger pockets of unrest. One cannot rule out, however, that redeployments of divisions based far away from the areas of future operations will commence with the introduction of martial law or even earlier. For example, it would take roughly 54 hours to redeploy the 4th Mechanized Division to the vicinity of Warsaw. Because the investigation is proceeding, I will have to forgo my daily reports about current developments. Please treat with caution the information I am conveying to you, since it appears that my mission is coming to an end. The nature of the information makes it quite easy to detect the source. I do not object to, and indeed welcome, having the information I have conveyed serve those who fight for the freedom of Poland with their heads raised high. I am prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, but the best way to achieve something is with our actions and not with our sacrifices. Long live free Poland! Long live Solidarity, which brings freedom to all oppressed nations! JACK STRONG Temat: ONZ boji sie Assad Terrorista i Jego Klan ONZ boji sie Assad Terrorista i Jego Klan Officials omitted from report Names of five high ranking Syrian officials omitted from final report on Hariri assassination, including those of President Assad's brother, brother- in-law; German Prosecutor Mehlis says wanted to avoid 'wrong impression' of guilt. Meanwhile Secretary of State Rice demands Syrian accountability for hit Yitzhak Benhorin At a press conference held in New York Friday, Detlev Mehlis, the German prosecutor who headed the investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, faced piercing questions pertaining to the controversial decision to edit the names of five Syrian officials out of the final report on the inquiry. Syria's Guilt Main suspect: Assad's brother-in-law / Ynet and news agencies According to German Magazine Stern, five top Syrian officials questioned by U.N. investigator 'not as witnesses, but as suspects' Full Story Rumors have been circulating in recent days that UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has asked Mehlis to be extra careful with the publication of the names. However, Mehlis himself denied that any such pressure has been asserted. The names omitted from the final report included those of Assef Shawkat, the Syria military intelligence chief and brother-in-law of President Bashar Assad and the president's younger brother Maher Assad. The original report stated that the evidence collected in the investigation indicated that several high ranking Syrian officials close to the president were involved in the Hariri hit, including General Shawkat. Mehlis at the press conference (Photo: Reuters) According to the report, Shawkat may have played a central role in planning the assassination: The general has forced Islamist fundamentalist Ahmed abu- Adas to film a video in which he claims responsibility for the murder, which took place two weeks later. The tape was indeed broadcast, but could not be corroborated. Mehlis claimed he deleted the officials' names from the report because he wanted to avoid creating an impression that the men were guilty. The names were mentioned by witnesses, but the officials were not convicted in court, Mehlis said. He added that he decided to take the names off the final version of the report so that it does not appear there are any substantial evidence against them. "It could give the wrong impression" Of guilt and the presumption of innocence must remain, he said. The prosecutor insisted that no one, including Secretary General Anan, has intervened with the decision to omit the names, and said he would not have accepted any such interference. Rice demands Syrian accountability At a press conference held in Alabama, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice demanded Syria is held accountable for its involvement in the murder. "Accountability is going to be very important for the international community," Rice told reporters as she flew with Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw for a tour of Alabama. "We cannot have the specter of one state's apparatus having participated or having been involved in the assassination of the former prime minister ... In another state," Rice said. Syria's U.N. Ambassador Fayssal Mekdad said to reporters that his country continues to cooperate with the investigation, but added that the investigation is "A very political analysis" and said accusations Syria wasn't cooperating were "Absolutely incorrect and far away from the reality." "I would like to confirm once again that Syria believes, strongly believes, that it is innocent and the committee has to look somewhere else to find those who committed this heinous crime," Mekdad said. Roee Nahmias and news agencies contributed to this report Temat: Czy Amnesty Inlt juz TOTALNIE ODBILO?????????? Czy Amnesty Inlt juz TOTALNIE ODBILO?????????? Chca aby zawieszono pomoc wojskowa dla Nepalu...z powodu rzekomego lamania praw czlowieka przez nepalska armie..... Oczywiscie wtedy wladze w Nepalu przejmia maoisci ktorzy znani sa ze swego pokojowego i jakze humanitarnego nastawienia..... KOL Report KATHMANDU, June 15 - Amnesty International Wednesday asked countries around the world to suspend all forms of military aid to Nepal saying that the international arms sales have fuelled serious human rights abuses in the country. The Royal Nepal Army declined to comment on the statement, saying that it hadn’t yet gone through the Amnesty report titled “Nepal: Military Assistance Contributing to Grave Human Rights Violations” The London-based rights watchdog said today that the military supplies “facilitated human rights abuses in Nepal” and asked the three major suppliers—India, the United States and the United Kingdom—and others, including Belgium, South Africa and France, not to resume military assistance or arms supplies destined for Nepal until “the security forces can demonstrate that they will uphold human rights.” “With the conflict poised to escalate, any further military assistance would be highly irresponsible,” Purna Sen, director of Amnesty International's Asia- Pacific Programme said in the statement released today. “Arms should not be exported as long as there is a clear risk that they might be used to commit serious human rights abuse.” The statement comes a day after the RNA in a press meet had said that it had begun receiving human rights training from the United States and had mentioned that it could possibly receive non-lethal military aid from the United Kingdom in the near future. Amnesty, however, has called for “the suspension of all arms supplies and military assistance.” Army Spokesman Deepak Gurung told reporters yesterday that the RNA had not received military aid in any form from India after Feb. 1. After suspending military aid to Nepal immediately after the King’s takeover, India in early May annoucned after much speculations that military-related supplies that had been “in the pipeline” before Feb. 1 would be released. Among the other two major suppliers, the United States, however, hasn’t explicitly suspended its military assistance. It has stated that no deliveries have been scheduled yet and that military assistance would be reviewed military assistance on a case by case basis. However, recent reports said that the United States was considering delaying the shipment of 4,000 M16 rifles scheduled for this month. The reports said that while the U.S. State Department is leaning toward withholding the assistance, the Pentagon, the U.S. military establishment, was resisting the move. As for the United Kingdom, after the King lifted the state of emergency in April, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told lawmakers that “security assistance” to Nepal was “under review.” In its report, the international rights watchdog has focussed on military aid, arms transfers and training provided to Nepali security forces by other countries during the nine-year Maoist insurgency. The main points raised by Amnesty are: - The supply of 25,000 5.56mm INSAS rifles from India, despite evidence of their use in grave human rights violations such as the murder of 19 unarmed Maoist suspects by Nepalese security forces in August 2003; - The supply by India of Lancer helicopter gunships, produced under license from the French company Eurocopter, which have been used by the Royal Nepal Army to attack mass meetings called by the Maoists in villages often resulting in the killing of civilians; - The transfer of 20,000 M16 automatic assault rifles to Nepalese security forces by the United States along with over $29 million in military funding since 2001; - Provision by the United Kingdom of Islander Short Take Off and Landing aircraft for logistic purposes without a system of end use monitoring to ensure that these planes are not later fitted with armaments; - Inconsistent application of the EU Code of Conduct for Arms Exports with the sale by Belgium of 5,000 Minimi Light Machine Guns to Nepal in 2002, despite an earlier German refusal to supply similar weapons on human rights grounds. (dds/yv) Temat: News- Revlon powraca do selekt. zapachow (ang.) News- Revlon powraca do selekt. zapachow (ang.) Art. z WWD.com: "After a decade's absence, Revlon will step back into the hotly contested department store fragrance market. Revlon, one of the pillars of the mass channel, is expected to announce today that it will launch a prestige fragrance in department stores this summer. More fragrance brands are being planned, the company added. Revlon's point of entry into the prestige realm puts it in the center of one of beauty's most competitive and launch-riddled categories. Only time will tell whether the company is stepping into a rose garden or a lion's den. "It could have a very large impact," said Rochelle Bloom, president of the Fragrance Foundation. Referring to Revlon's historic successes with fragrances like Charlie and the company's subsequent retreat from the prestige market in the mid-Nineties, Bloom said, "They've waited a long time to return, so they will be able to do it by drawing on all the past achievements." Revlon is also expected to make a large competitive splash in a category that is already overcrowded by giants seeking to gobble up market share with swarms of new product launches. The beauty company has entered a multiyear deal with Gemini Cosmetics Inc. to act as Revlon's domestic sales representative and to provided related services for the prestige channel. "We are pleased to be launching our prestige fragrance business with Gemini Cosmetics," Revlon president and chief executive officer Jack Stahl said in a statement. "Gemini's strong track record of success within the prestige landscape will be a tremendous asset to Revlon as we continue to develop and position our fragrance portfolio for future growth." Gemini ceo Neil Katz added: "With its visionary leadership, universal awareness and strong brand imagery, Revlon is well positioned to be an influential player in the prestige fragrance marketplace." The company would not comment on its upcoming plans, but industry sources have said the first fragrance will be called Flair. The effort marks Revlon's return to an arena that it has been credited with helping to found with the 1973 launch of Charlie, a liberated scent for women that kicked off lifestyle marketing. Revlon also launched the first American designer fragrance in the form of Norell in 1969. Charlie's advertisements, like the scent, caused a sensation. They were the first in the industry to feature a woman wearing pants rather than a skirt or dress. Industry sources estimated that at its peak, Charlie had a wholesale volume of around $85 million. When Revlon began to lose ground in department stores, it moved its cosmetics and fragrance business to the mass channel. Sales of Charlie began to erode by late Eighties, falling to $45 million by 1995. During this time its fragrance business included 10 brands, including Charlie, Ciara, Jean Naté, Jontue and Ajee. Throughout the mid-Nineties, Revlon attempted to revive the Charlie brand with flanker scents, like Charlie Red. It also was the first to launch a Nautica fragrance. Revlon's prestige strategy comes after three years of meticulous house cleaning and brand repositioning by Stahl, who has been promising to crank up the company's sputtering innovation machine. Perhaps the first major move was the launch of Almay Intense I-Color in 2005. This year the company is gearing up for an even more ambitious mass market statement with a new brand called Vital Radiance that is reaching out to women over 50, a new marketing frontier for the mass market. It is also revamping the entire Almay brand. The effort includes expanded skin care offerings, including an antiaging and sun care line. Industry sources expect the two mass market initiatives to have a retail sales impact of $180 million in 2006. The beauty firm's agreement with Gemini excludes Revlon's current mass fragrances, namely Jean Nate and Charlie." Temat: kawałki dla 40-latków ... 1225. rodger miller - king of the road [2:29] 1226. jackie trent - where are you now [2:47] 1227. sandie shaw - long live love [2:41] 1228. elvis presley - crying in the chapel [2:27] 1229. hollies - i'm alive [2:24] 1230. byrds - mr tambourine man [2:22] 1231. beatles - help [2:18] 1232. sonny & cher - i got you babe [3:10] 1233. rolling stones - (i can't get no) satisfaction [3:47] 1234. walker brothers - make it ease on yourself [3:14] 1235. ken dodd - tears [2:50] 1236. rolling stones - get off my cloud [2:56] 1237. seekers - the carnaval is over [3:12] 1238. beatles - day tripper [2:49] 1239. spencer davis group - keep on running [2:45] 1240. overlanders - michelle [2:24] 1241. nancy sinatra - these boots are made for walki [2:43] 1242. walker brothers - the sun ain't gonna sine anymo [3:04] 1243. spencer davis group - somebody hekp me [2:02] 1244. dusty springfield - you don't have to say you love [2:49] 1245. manfred mann - pretty flamingo [2:33] 1246. rolling stones - paint it black [3:47] 1247. frank sinatra - strangers in the night [2:38] 1248. beatles - paperback writer [2:19] 1249. kinks - sunny afternoon [3:34] 1250. georgir fame & the blue flames - get away [2:34] 1251. chris farlowe & the thunderbir - out of time [3:35] 1252. troggs - with a girl like you [2:08] 1253. beatles - a yellow submarine [2:39] 1254. small faces - all or nothing [3:04] 1255. jim reeves - distant drums [2:54] 1256. four tops - reach out i'll be there [2:57] 1257. beach boys - good vibrations [3:37] 1258. tom jones - green green grass of home [3:05] 1259. monkeys - i'm a believer [2:46] 1260. petula clark - this is my song [3:17] 1261. engelbert huperdinkl - please release me [3:20] 1262. nancy & frank sinatra - somethin stupid [2:42] 1263. sandy shaw - puppet on a string [2:23] 1264. tremeloes - silence is golden [3:09] 1265. procol harum - a whiter shade of pale [4:06] 1266. beatles - all you need is love [3:50] 1267. scott mckenzie - sanfransisco (be sure to wear [2:58] 1268. engelbert humperdink - the last waltz [3:00] 1269. bee gees - massachusetts [2:26] 1270. foundations - baby noe that i've found you [2:37] 1271. lond john baldry - the the heartaches begin [3:14] 1272. beatles - hello goodbye [3:28] 1273. georgir fame - the ballad of bonnie & clyde [3:10] 1274. love affair - everlasting love [3:00] 1275. manferd mann - mighty quinn [2:52] 1276. esther & abi ofarim - cinberella rockerfella [2:30] 1277. dave dee dozy breeky mick & ti - the legend of xanadu [3:37] 1278. beatles - lady madonna [2:17] 1279. cliff richard - congratulation [2:32] 1280. 08 - what a wonderful world - lou armstong.MP3 [1:58] 1281. union gap feat. gary pucket - young girl [3:12] 1282. rolling stons - junping jack flash [3:41] 1283. equals - baby come back [2:29] 1284. des oconner - i pretend [2:49] 1285. tgommy james & the shondells - mony mony [2:53] 1286. crazy world of aurthur brown - fire [2:57] 1287. beach boys - do it again [2:15] 1288. bee gees - i've gatta get a message to yo [3:09] 1289. beatles - hey jude [7:09] 1290. mary hopkins - those were the day's [5:02] 1291. joe cocker - with a little help from my fri [5:07] 1292. hugo montenegro & orchestra & - the good the bad & the ugly [2:48] 1293. scaffold - lilly the pink [4:23] 1294. marmalade - oblde oblada [3:02] 1295. fleetwood mac - al;batross [3:10] 1296. move - blackberry way [3:43] 1297. amen corner - if paradse is half as nice [2:51] 1298. peter sarstedt - where do you go to mt lovely [5:19] 1299. marvin gaye - i heard it through the grapevi [3:14] 1300. desomnd dekker and the aces - the isralites [2:36] 1301. beatles with billy pearson - get back [3:13] 1302. tommy roe - dizzy [2:54] 1303. beatles - the ballad of john & yoko [2:59] 1304. thunder clap newman - something in the air [3:55] 1305. rolling stones - honky tonk woman [3:02] 1306. zager & evans - in the 2525 [3:19] 1307. creedence clearwater revival - bad moon rising [2:20] 1308. jane burkin & serge gainsbourg - jet'aime moinonpalus [4:24] 1309. bobby gentry - i'll never fall in love again [2:53] 1310. archies - sugar sugar [2:46] 1311. rolf harris - 2 little boys [3:17] Temat: Cytat dnia: Gołota i tenis Zalaczam dla was ten artykul -trzymajcie kciuki abym nie bil po jajach i nie uciekl z ringu Andrew Golota had his fists taped at the Windy City Gym on the West Side for a light workout of shadow-boxing, bag-hitting, rope-jumping and situps. A long, hook-shaped scar covered part of his nose. His bottom lip had a black spot. His arms had marks from burns or rubbed-off skin or something. Imagine where it all came from. And with Golota, the fun is in imagining the worst. Remember the riot after he was disqualified for hitting Riddick Bowe below the belt? Remember when it all happened again in the rematch? Remember when he quit after the second round against Mike Tyson, and fans threw stuff at him? He left boxing for nearly three years after that. Now, after beating two nobodies and getting another penalty for low blows, Golota, 36, is getting another shot at the world heavyweight championship. He'll fight IBF champ Chris Byrd on April 17 at Madison Square Garden. Can you imagine? Golota gets a title shot? He hasn't won a relevant fight in years. ''Who else is going to get it?'' he asked. And he had a point. Don King is backing Golota, and when asked whether we should expect low blows, King said, ''He's not going below, he's going above. I'll have a golf club in my corner.'' Imagine: Golota goes dirty, King smacks him with a 9-iron, people jump into the ring and yank on King's hair. Step right up and don't miss it on pay-per-view. Golota knows his image but doesn't like it: ''Low blows. Now it's time to redeem myself.'' Redeem yourself? You mean change your image? That would be the end of his career. Once a promising fighter, Golota is urban legend now. Something crazy is bound to happen, and people will pay to see that. That's how he gets a title shot. ''I've showed I can box,'' he said. ''It's not because of the low blows.'' It's because you throw low blows. You bite necks. You head-butt. You start riots. It's not because you beat Brian Nix and Terrance Lewis, whoever they are. It is so clear what's happening. King thought he could promote this fight, and he pressured the IBF into ranking Golota high enough to merit the billing. Golota suddenly is No. 15, and New York Times columnist Dave Anderson wrote that if that's true, then ''your Aunt Emma is worthy of being at least No. 14.'' One writer sarcastically said everything would be OK as long as Golota took lithium. And at Windy City, people talked about being hit in the head with debris at Golota fights. It is the buzz of the boxing world: How can Andrew Golota actually have gotten a title shot? The answer is this: He is the only one out there who can create a buzz. Part of the outcry is that Dominick Quinn deserved the shot instead of Golota. Do you know who Quinn is? Look, there is a grand but select history of heavyweight title fights at the Garden, with nearly two dozen of them in 100 years. Joe Frazier beat Muhammad Ali there. Joe Louis beat Jersey Joe Walcott. Jack Dempsey beat Luis Angel Firpo. Jess Willard, Larry Holmes and Ezzard Charles won there. And now, Byrd vs. Golota. Maybe boxing should have a stepladder up the rankings to success. But today, it's a struggle just to find something that someone would watch. Golota doesn't agree with that and says his image isn't accurate. But we saw what we saw: He repeatedly hit Bowe low. ''Sometimes it happens,'' he said. ''And he was ready to go [down]. I saw an open spot in the stomach and tried to hit it. ''They played with my mind. I signed a contract for 10 rounds, but before the fight they changed it to 12. I almost didn't fight. My manager, my promoter, everyone failed. Including me. I lost the fight.'' Somehow, he blends frustration with accident. It was July 11, 1996, also at the Garden. And that was the most disgraceful day in Golota's career. Also, the best. Bowe was not the champ but was regarded as the world's best fighter. Golota was 6-4, 240 pounds of solid muscle with an Olympic bronze medal. He had bitten one opponent, head-butted another to the ground. He was next in a long line of great white hopes and looked like Drago, the huge, hated Russian fighter in "Rocky IV.'' In 1990, Golota emigrated from Poland to Chicago with hopes of becoming a truck driver. He was supposed to be clobbered. In the seventh round, already having been penalized for low blows, he was disqualified for doing it again. During the riot, someone hit him in the head with a cellphone. They called him Foul Pole after that, but the thing was, Golota was leading on the judges' scorecards. And the riot drew such attention that he landed a $2 million re-match, which also would end with Golota disqualified for low blows. Still, he was known immediately as an unpredictable head-case who had the ability to fight with the best. You can sell that. His latest fights have been easy enough, but that didn't stop him from more dirty stuff: "I hit one guy directly in the belly, and he called it a low blow.'' A theory: Golota gets worked up, especially against big guys, and gets tired mid-fight. It all blends together, and the low blows are the result. Byrd is more skilled than Golota, but won't be intimidating at 220 pounds. Golota has a puncher's chance. One more thing, Andrew. What did you do during those three years away from boxing? What trouble? ''I skied,'' he said. ''I played tennis.'' Hold it right there. Andrew Golota does not ski. Andrew Golota does not play tennis. Could you have made a career out of tennis? ''No,'' he said. ''Unless I hit someone with the racket.'' Hmm. Tennis might be able to use that. Strona 2 z 2 • Wyszukano 79 rezultatów • 1, 2 |
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