Strona Główna
J210i dźwięki wgrywanie
Izydorek Katarzyna
Jacek Kadłubowski
jajko wielkanocne wykonanie
J Sharp
J lo thong
J Tuwim
jak bezpiecznie przyspieszyc porod
Jacek Wójcicki Beata Rybotycka
Jagiellonka Spółdzielnia

  • Widzisz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla zapytania: J210i SEMC Tool

    Temat: SEMC Tool v5.0 - J210i unlock, improved read speed
    Doczekaliśmy się SEMC Tool'a v5.0

    Released SEMC Tool v5.0

    - added support for J210i phone model (read SP codes, clear user code)
    - improved speed (~x3 times) of flash reading on New ARM phones
    - new bootloaders used for flashing New ARM phones

    To unlock J210i:
    - read codes (after that all SP Lock codes will be 00000000)
    - wait phone to power up!
    - put SIM card, press <- * * <- and enter required code

    Best regards,

    Temat: [J210]Sony Ericsson J210 i simlock
    Witam !!

    Chcialem sciagnac sima z j210i. Mam kabel serwisowy i juz sciaglem nim z K300. Przy K300 program USB-Smart SEMC Tool - v5.0 wywalal jakis blad ale udalo mi sie bez problemu sciagnac sima programem speed unlock. Teraz mam maly problem z J210i bo oba te programy wywalaja ERROR :/

    speed unlock

    GUI v0.91373/UNI
    standalone version engaged.
    Card serial:00001283
    Loaded 49 flash descriptors
    Open COM port OK
    ChipID:9002,EMP protocol:0301
    Elapsed:7 secs.

    USB-Smart SEMC Tool - v5.0

    Press Power On to phone!
    Bypass boot authority
    ERROR: 000307


    Press Power On to phone!
    Bypass boot authority
    Load data to phone
    ERROR: 00A005

    Co teraz POMOCYYY

    Temat: SEMC Tool v5.5

    Released SEMC Tool v5.5
    - improved flash function (changed bootloaders)
    - corrected "1E0W" edit function on K750 and W800 models
    - improved recovery function on K600/K608 CID49 models


    Lepiej by sie Zulea skoncentrowal na dopracowaniu flashowania j210i
    Za dużo ludzi ma po tym rośliny, żeby go entuzjazm tak roznosił

    Temat: simlock J210i, podłączenie K300i
    simlocka z J210 - SEMC Tool 8.4 Free (=cracked), k300 - podepnij kabel bez baterii, kliknij podłącz, i włóż baterię (musisz wyczuć moment, ja się na darmówkach nauczyłem )

    Temat: SEMC Tool v5.0
    Program nie usuwa simlocka z [b]SE[/b]np.[i]j210i[/i] tylko resetuje kod do simlocka na 00000000. Nalezy wlaczyc telefon z karta operatora z ktora dzialal do tej pory i wejsc w opcje serwisowe naciskajac [b]<**<[/b]. [u]Tam wylaczyc simlocka.[/u]


    pass :[/hide]

    Temat: USBSmart update 5.1 Dostępny
    Zgodnie z zapowiedziami jest dostępny od dziś update 5.1 .


    Released SEMC Tool v5.1

    - added support for OLD ARM crypted files type H
    (use this with latest uploaded J210i files)
    - added support for K608i CID49 unlocking by Test Point
    - removed error (from v5.0) when flashing Z1010, K608, ...

    Czekamy teraz na Motorole .

    Temat: [J210]Sony Ericsson J210 i simlock
    Słuchajcie mam pytanie mam USB SMART SEMC TOOL V5.0 i chciałbym sciągnąć simlocka z SE j210i i posiadam kabel T630 i tu chciałbym o wskazówki prosic jak go zmodyfikowac (skrosować) tak abym mógł sciągnąć tego Simlocka

    Temat: martwy se j210i
    Tu masz kilka solucji, ja zrobilem ta ostatnia
    Here is procedure how to repair J210 phones
    (this solve ANY software problems, no power up, ...)

    - Use SEMC Tool v6.7 (or higher version)
    - NOT use UFS/Twister as interface !!!
    (use any other cable, Cruiser, Serial, DSS)
    - Flash file J210_Full_Repair_Flash.arm
    - Disconnect phone from cable after flash
    - Remove battery from phone
    - Insert battery to phone
    - Connect phone to cable
    - Repair -> Remake CRC's (SCRC, DCRC1, DCRC2)
    - Wait phone to power up before disconnect from cable !!!
    - If required, read codes, put a SIM card and unlock

    If in repair flash you dont find needed language, do this:

    - Flash your required language flash file
    - Disconnect phone from cable after flash
    - Remove battery from phone
    - Insert battery to phone
    - Connect phone to cable
    - Repair -> Remake CRC's (SCRC, DCRC1, DCRC2)
    - Wait phone to power up before disconnect from cable !!!
    - If required, read codes, put a SIM card and unlock
    - If after read codes your phone is dead do again Repair -> Remake CRC's (SCRC, DCRC1, DCRC2)
    - Wait phone to power up before disconnect from cable !!!
    - Put a SIM card, press <**< then enter NCK unlock code readed

    (Many thanks to BULL for this info and confirmed working)

    flash r2h file than clear nvram clear locks or direct unlock phone automaticly detached attach manually phone type select j200 (do not select j210 it's important!!!!) than do CRC .
    phone is detached and alive again

    attach j210i
    flash with r2h file not repair_v2 file (go to cruiser support arm 2003 j210 folder 2h folderJ210i_CXC1250107_EMEA5_R2H.ARM.rarfor exemple.
    after flash attach j210i and "clear nvram "
    then do clear locks or direct unlock anyway
    then now it's important attach with phone J200i
    do dcrc
    loock to your phone it seems to be alive
    important !!!
    do not remove battery before shut it normally off by its button

    First of all u need Cruiser and USB-Smart.....and Full charged battery!!!!

    1. Flash the phone with Cruiser with "J210i_Repair_v2.ARM.flp"

    2. Detach the phone from Cruiser soft.

    3. "remake CRC's" with USB-Smart

    4. "read all codes" with USB-Smart and don't touch the phone before it's power on automatically. After that power off the phone and disconnect the cable!!!

    The phone is 100% working!!!

    1. Flash repair file with cruiser
    2. flash regular flash with cruiser
    3. Connect as J200 and clear NV RAM and make DCRC with cruiser.
    After all that phone should be still dead.
    4. Connect as J200 to UFS ATRZ. (n-box)
    5. Init locks and Init SecBLK with UFS.
    after all that your phone should be alive again.
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